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Since the apple is cold, the water vapour in the air condenses on the surface of the apple. This is why it becomes wet with water.

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1mo ago

When an apple is taken out from the refrigerator and placed outside, it undergoes a process called condensation. The cold apple coming into contact with the warmer air causes moisture in the air to condense on its surface, resulting in water droplets forming on the apple.

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Q: Why is an apple is taken out from a refrigerator and kept outside for sometime becomes wet with water?
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An apple out from refrigerator outside become wet with water?

This is because the water vapour in the air condenses on the cold surface of the apple.

An apple which is taken out from a refrigerator and kept outside for sometime becomes wet with water?

If an object is cold enough, it will cause the water in the air around it to condense from gaseous form to liquid form, on the surface of the object. This is because there is only a certain amount of water that air can hold at a specific temperature. Hot air can hold more water than cold air, so if hot (or warm) air is cooled, then it will not be able to hold all the water it contains. This is what happens with the apple. The apple cools the air near it, and some of the water comes out of the air.

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If stored properly in a cool, dry section of your refrigerator, An Apple can stay fresh for close to 4 months.

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Yummy! Eat to refrigerator delicious a out pulled and apple my up opened I.

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Plant a apple, and when he is big,sometime apples ar on it.

How long does it takes for an apple to rotton?

I believe it is because of the air in the refrigerator

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