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You have it backwards. Air pressure is the caused by the weight of the column of air pressing down on people or objects near the surface. Pressure is greatest at (or below sea level) and decreases with altitude (for the simple reason that the higher you climb, the less air is above you).

Because water is about 1,000 times denser than air, the weight of air at sea level is about equal to 33 feet of water. This is why divers experience about one adtmosphere for every 33 feet they dive.

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Air pressure decreases with increasing altitude because there is less air above pushing down. At sea level, the weight of the entire atmosphere is pushing down on the Earth's surface, resulting in higher air pressure. On a mountain top, with less air above, there is less pressure exerted on the surface.

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Q: Why is air pressure less at sea level and it's higher on a mountain top?
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Predict whether water would boil on top of a mountain at a higher or lower temperature than at sea level?

Water would boil higher at the top of a mountain than at sea level. This is because there is less atmospheric pressure at higher elevations.

Why does a barometer have a higher reading at sea level then at the top of the mountain?

A barometer measures atmospheric pressure, which decreases with increasing altitude. At sea level, the weight of the air above exerts more pressure on the barometer compared to the top of a mountain, where there is less air above. This difference in pressure causes the barometer to have a higher reading at sea level than at the top of a mountain.

Why is the level of air pressure less at the top of a mountain than it is at sea level?

The level of air pressure is lower at the top of a mountain due to the decrease in the amount of air molecules present in the atmosphere as you move higher up. Gravity compresses the air closer to the Earth's surface, resulting in higher air pressure at sea level.

Does the sea have more air pressure than the mountain?

No, the air pressure is higher at sea level than at higher altitudes like mountains. As you gain altitude, the air pressure decreases due to less atmosphere above exerting pressure downwards.

Air pressure decreases as?

altitude increases. This is because the higher you go in the atmosphere, the less air there is above you pushing down on you. This leads to a decrease in air pressure.

How does atmospheric pressure change as you go from the top of a mountain to sea level?

Atmospheric pressure decreases as you go from the top of a mountain to sea level. This is because there is less air above you at higher altitudes, leading to lower pressure. Conversely, at sea level, more air is pressing down from above, resulting in higher atmospheric pressure.

Why Poes water on top of a mountain boil at a lower temperature than at sea level?

It is the effect of air pressure. The air pressure at the top of a mountain is less than the air pressure at sea level. The effect of air pressure on a water surface is to prevent or oppose water molecules escaping from the surface. The greater the air pressure, the more heat energy is needed to allow the water molecules to escape and so at sea level the water will boil at a higher temperature than if it were on top of a mountain.

How is the pressure on Mount Everest different from the pressure at sea level?

it is higher up on Mount Everest so it has less pressure than at sea level

Why is atmospheric pressure lower on the top of a mountain than it is at sea level?

Atmospheric pressure decreases with increasing altitude because there are fewer air molecules pressing down from above. This results in lower air density and a decrease in pressure at higher elevations such as the top of a mountain compared to sea level.

Why is there less air pressure on top of a mountain?

There is less air pressure on top of a mountain because the weight of the air above is less due to the thinner atmosphere at higher altitudes. This causes the air molecules to be more spread out, resulting in lower pressure.

Is air pressure greater at sea level or on top of a mountain?

Air pressure is greater at sea level because there is more air above that is pressing down. Any atmosphere is more dense at the surface of the planet than at locations higher in altitude. (Areas that are lower than sea level will generally have still higher atmospheric pressure.)

Compare the air pressure at sea level with the air pressure on top of a mountain why are the two pressures different?

Air pressure at sea level is higher than on top of a mountain because the weight of the air above is greater. As you ascend in altitude, there is less air above you exerting pressure, resulting in lower air pressure at higher altitudes. This is due to the decrease in air density and the gravitational force pulling air particles towards the Earth's surface.