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Because you need conductors to take electricity to where it is needed.

You need insulators to stop it going where it shouldn't.

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A plug is made of conductors like metal prongs to carry electricity from the outlet to the device, and insulators like plastic casing to prevent electric shocks by blocking the flow of electricity through the outer surface. This design ensures a safe and efficient transfer of electricity.

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Q: Why is a plug made of conductors and insulators?
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Why does a switch need to be made out of insulators and conductors?

A switch needs to be made out of insulators and conductors to control the flow of electricity. Insulators prevent electricity from flowing when the switch is off, while conductors allow electricity to flow when the switch is on. This ensures that the circuit can be opened and closed as needed.

Are there materials in both insulators and conductors?

Yes, both insulators and conductors can be made from various materials. Insulators are typically made from materials like rubber, glass, and plastic, which have high resistivity and impede the flow of electricity. Conductors, on the other hand, are typically made from materials like copper, aluminum, and gold, which have low resistivity and allow electricity to flow easily.

Are CDs conductors or insulators?

CDs are typically made of polycarbonate plastic, which is an insulator. This means that CDs do not conduct electricity and can be considered as insulators.

What are some houshold objects that are conductors or insulators?

If you can think of any objects that are made of glass, rubber, or plastic they are all insulators. (think of food containers things you drink out of -most of them are conductors) Most things made of metal are conductors. (metal things you eat with, metal furniture objects, anything copper)

How do conductors and insulators work together?

Conductors and insulators work together in electrical circuits to control the flow of electricity. Conductors allow electricity to flow easily through them, while insulators prevent the flow of electricity. By strategically using both conductors and insulators in a circuit, you can guide the electrical current to where it needs to go and prevent it from causing damage or harm.

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Is stone conductors insulators?

That depends on what the stone is made of but most stones are insulators.

Are humans conductors or insulators?

humans are not insulators, but are conductors!

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Why does a switch need to be made out of insulators and conductors?

A switch needs to be made out of insulators and conductors to control the flow of electricity. Insulators prevent electricity from flowing when the switch is off, while conductors allow electricity to flow when the switch is on. This ensures that the circuit can be opened and closed as needed.

Why are switches and electric sockets are made by using conductors?

They are made using both conductors and insulators: conductors where you do want the electricity to be able to flow and insulators where you want to prevent the electricity from flowing.If they were made using just one or the other, they could not perform their intended functions.

Are there materials in both insulators and conductors?

Yes, both insulators and conductors can be made from various materials. Insulators are typically made from materials like rubber, glass, and plastic, which have high resistivity and impede the flow of electricity. Conductors, on the other hand, are typically made from materials like copper, aluminum, and gold, which have low resistivity and allow electricity to flow easily.

What are conductors insulators and semi conductors and super conductors?


Are train tracks conductors or insulators?

The rails are good conductors The wooden ties they rest on are insulators

Are scissors conductors or insulators?

Depends on what they're made of, not what they are.Anything made of a conducting material is a conductor, whatever it is.Anything made of an insulating material is an insulator, whatever it is.Material properties - conducting or insulating - is more important than shape.Scissors are generally - but not always - made of metal.And metals are usually conductors, making the scissors conductors.But a scissor might have plastic handles. Plastic is usually an insulator, which would make the handles insulators.

Are keys insulators or conductors?

Keys are usually made from some metal or alloy. If they are, they are good conductors, both of heat and of electricity.

Are CDs conductors or insulators?

CDs are typically made of polycarbonate plastic, which is an insulator. This means that CDs do not conduct electricity and can be considered as insulators.

How is a can a good insulator?

Being made of metal, cans are good conductors, not good insulators.