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The force that holds water in the container is called centripetal force. It is not specific to water, it affect anything spun in a circle.

The water has inertia, which means it wants to continue in the direction that its moving - if you were to let go, the water would fly forward in its current direction. And not only does your container keep the water from flying off, it also keeps changing the direction the water wants to go. If you spin the container fast enough, centripetal force can beat the force of gravity.

Its as if the water is being endlessly thrown into the bottom of the container.

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3mo ago

When you spin a container filled with water, the water does not fall out because of centrifugal force, which pushes the water outward, causing it to stick to the walls of the container. This force overcomes gravity, preventing the water from spilling out as the container spins.

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What sound does water make when it drips?

Water dripping may produce a soft, splashing noise as each droplet hits a surface, such as a puddle or container. The sound can vary depending on the height of the fall and the material it lands on.

How many degrees does a bowling pin need to tilt in order to fall down?

A bowling pin typically needs to tilt about 10-12 degrees in order to fall down due to its design and distribution of weight.

What would happen to the relative humidity value if the temperature increased to 25 degrees?

If the temperature increases to 25 degrees, the relative humidity value would decrease if the actual water vapor content remains the same. This is because warmer air can hold more moisture, so the ratio of the actual water vapor content to the maximum water vapor content increases, resulting in a lower relative humidity value.

Do water allow marble to fall through easily?

No, water does not typically allow marble to fall through easily as the surface tension and density of water can prevent objects from sinking quickly. Marble would likely float on the surface or sink slowly in water.

How is a mercury barometer construct?

A mercury barometer consists of a tall glass tube filled with mercury inverted into a container of mercury. The mercury in the tube will fall until the weight of the mercury column is balanced by the atmospheric pressure pushing down on the surface of the mercury in the container. The measurement is then taken from the height of the mercury column in the tube.

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