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No, size doesn't affect an object's shape because it's the same unit and material.

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1mo ago

Density is determined by the mass of an object and its volume. Changing the shape or size of an object alters its volume but not necessarily its mass, so the density remains constant. The distribution of mass within the object may change, but overall density remains the same.

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Q: Why doesn't changing an object's shape or size affect it's density?
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What happens to the density of a substance if you change the amount or shape of that substance?

nothing happpens. changing the shape doesnt do anything and adding more doesnt do anything either. the density will change tho if you add another chemical or substanceansthe above comment is correct. Unless you applied a force that changed its overall volume of course, whilst changing its shape.

Does the size of an object affect the density of that object?

No, the size of an object does not affect its density. Density is a measure of how much mass is contained within a certain volume, so it is dependent on the material of the object rather than its size. Two objects made of the same material will have the same density regardless of their size.

Does the density of liquid affect it's weight?

Yes, the density of a liquid does affect its weight. Density is a measure of how much mass is contained in a given volume, so a more dense liquid will have greater weight compared to a less dense liquid of the same volume.

How differences in density affect convection?

Differences in density create variations in buoyancy in a fluid, which drives the process of convection. When a fluid is heated, it expands and becomes less dense, causing it to rise. Conversely, when a fluid is cooled, it contracts and becomes denser, causing it to sink. This continuous cycle of rising and sinking due to density differences creates the convection currents that lead to heat transfer in fluids.

What is the instrument used to find density?

A common instrument used to find density is a hydrometer, which measures the density of liquids by comparing the buoyancy of the liquid to a reference liquid. Another instrument is a densitometer, which uses various methods to determine the density of a substance, such as measuring the mass and volume of an object.