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Water expands when it is cold because the water molecules found in water expand in the cold.

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3mo ago

Water expands when it freezes because the molecules arrange themselves in a hexagonal structure, with more space between them compared to the liquid state. This increased space results in the expansion of the substance, causing ice to be less dense than liquid water.

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Do water pipes in homes expand and contract?

Yes, water pipes in homes can expand and contract due to changes in temperature. When pipes are exposed to heat, they expand, and when they cool down, they contract. This expansion and contraction can lead to stress on the pipes, potentially causing leaks or damage over time.

Do metal expand when it gets cold?

Metal contracts when it gets cold because cold temperatures cause the metal particles to move closer together, resulting in a decrease in volume. This contraction is due to the decreased thermal energy in the metal causing the particles to vibrate less and take up less space.

Why upthrust force is higher in hot water than cold water?

Hot water is less dense than cold water because the increased temperature causes the water molecules to expand and spread out. As a result, the same volume of hot water displaces a larger mass of surrounding water, creating a stronger upthrust force due to the greater difference in density.

How would you get a nut and bolt out easily is it by putting it in hot water or very cold water?

Putting the nut and bolt in hot water can cause them to expand and make it easier to loosen. Cold water can cause them to contract, which may make it more difficult to remove.

Does cold expand or contract?

Cold typically causes materials to contract, reducing their volume. This is due to the decrease in kinetic energy of the particles, causing them to move closer together. However, water is an exception, as it expands when it freezes due to the unique structure of its molecules.

Related questions

What happens to the water molecules when the air above gets cold?

the water molecules get cold and expand and turn into ice

Is hot water denser than cold water?

NO, it is the opposite. remember molecules expand when heated

Does gold expand under hot or cold water?

Heat causes expansion.

Can cold water make orbeez bigger?

No, cold water will not make Orbeez bigger. Orbeez absorb water regardless of its temperature and will expand in size when placed in water. Temperature does not affect the expansion process.

What do you leave dripping when freezing?

A cold faucet. A minimal water flow stops the water from freezing and allows for ice to expand.

Why do concrete patios crack?

A concrete patio usually cracks due to heat cold. If it is to cold it contract and break. If it is to hot it will expand and break. Then water can seep into those cracks and freeze causing the crack to expand

Will the paint can burst when the paint freezes?

I would imagine that if you put a full can of paint in the freezer (or some other place that is very cold), if it is water based it would expand and maybe burst the can. Water is the only thing that will expand 10% when it is cold, everything else will contract.

Dose cold water weigh from hot water?

Cold water is weigh from hot water; as the molecules tend to free (or expand) by getting heat, which causes increase in specific volume (i.e. decrease in density). As a result, hot water becomes lighter, compared to cold.

How can rocks be broken up in cold climate?

Because if the water goes in the crack and freeze, the crack will expand

Why do you think Rome didn't expand farther north?

Because north was too cold and the water was frozen

Do water pipes in homes expand and contract?

Yes, water pipes in homes can expand and contract due to changes in temperature. When pipes are exposed to heat, they expand, and when they cool down, they contract. This expansion and contraction can lead to stress on the pipes, potentially causing leaks or damage over time.

Why does water expand at the equator?

Water expands at the equator due to the centrifugal force caused by the Earth's rotation. This force effectively bulges the water in that region, resulting in a slightly larger volume compared to water at the poles.