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Water is a polar molecule, meaning it has a positively charged side and a negatively charged side. When a charged plastic rod is brought near water, the positive or negative charges on the rod interact with the corresponding charges on the water molecules, causing the water to be attracted to the rod.

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Q: Why does water attract to a charged plastic rod?
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Why does a charged glass rod attract charged plastic straw?

When a glass rod is rubbed with silk, it becomes positively charged, while a plastic straw becomes negatively charged. Opposite charges attract each other due to electrostatic forces. This attraction occurs because the positively charged glass rod induces a negative charge on the plastic straw, creating a strong attractive force between the two objects.

Will a charged polythene rod repel or attract paper?

A charged polythene rod will attract paper. When the rod is charged, it develops an electric field that exerts a force on the charged particles in the paper, causing the paper to be attracted to the rod.

How could you use a piece of silk and a glass rod to attract a stream of tap water?

cool beans

How could you use a piece of silk and glass rod to attract a stream of tap water?

By rubbing the silk against the glass rod, a static charge is created on both objects. By bringing the charged glass rod near the stream of tap water, the water molecules become polarized and are attracted to the charged rod, causing the stream of water to bend towards the rod. This occurs due to the attractive force between the charged rod and the polarized water molecules.

What happens if plastic rod is rubbed with silk cloth?

When a plastic rod is rubbed with a silk cloth, electrons are transferred from the silk to the plastic rod. This results in the plastic rod becoming negatively charged and the silk cloth becoming positively charged. This effect is known as triboelectric charging.

Related questions

Why does a charged glass rod attract charged plastic straw?

When a glass rod is rubbed with silk, it becomes positively charged, while a plastic straw becomes negatively charged. Opposite charges attract each other due to electrostatic forces. This attraction occurs because the positively charged glass rod induces a negative charge on the plastic straw, creating a strong attractive force between the two objects.

What will happen if a negatively charged rod is brought close to a small plastic ball if the ball is postively charged?

They will attract becuase oppsites attract. If something is positivley charge and the other this is negativley charged they will almost always attract. Hope I helped.

Will a charged polythene rod repel or attract paper?

A charged polythene rod will attract paper. When the rod is charged, it develops an electric field that exerts a force on the charged particles in the paper, causing the paper to be attracted to the rod.

Why does a charged rod attract water?

because the benzz of the zeema is quite zeusy in comparison to the fluctuation of water.

How could you use a piece of silk and a glass rod to attract a stream of tap water?

cool beans

How could you use a piece of silk and glass rod to attract a stream of tap water?

By rubbing the silk against the glass rod, a static charge is created on both objects. By bringing the charged glass rod near the stream of tap water, the water molecules become polarized and are attracted to the charged rod, causing the stream of water to bend towards the rod. This occurs due to the attractive force between the charged rod and the polarized water molecules.

What happens if plastic rod is rubbed with silk cloth?

When a plastic rod is rubbed with a silk cloth, electrons are transferred from the silk to the plastic rod. This results in the plastic rod becoming negatively charged and the silk cloth becoming positively charged. This effect is known as triboelectric charging.

How would the glass react with the plastic rod Why?

When rubbed with a plastic rod, the glass will become charged through the process of triboelectric charging. The glass will acquire a positive charge, while the plastic rod will acquire a negative charge. This results from the transfer of electrons between the two materials due to their different abilities to attract and hold on to electrons.

What happens if the negatively charged rod is brought close to another negatively charged rod?

they repel remember, opposites attract and likes repel.

After rubbing a plastic rod with a woolen clothmark noticed that the rubbed plastic rod picked up saw dust.explain what happened?

Rubbing the plastic rod with a woolen cloth transferred electrons from the wool to the plastic, giving the plastic a negative charge. The saw dust, being positively charged, was attracted to the negatively charged plastic rod due to electrostatic forces, causing it to stick to the rod.

How a charged rod placed near an uncharged metal object can repel?

When a charged rod is brought near an uncharged metal object, it induces a separation of charges within the metal object causing the electrons to move away from the charged rod. This separation of charges creates an attractive force between the charged rod and the metal object, leading to the repulsion of the metal object.

How you could use a piece of silk and glass rod to attract a stream of tap water?

cool beans