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They may do different activities during the day. So if a one of them is going for a run and one is just staying in watching TV. The male who is running will need more energy than the one who is relaxing as he will need to respire.

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1mo ago

Two sixteen-year-old males of the same weight might need different amounts of energy due to variations in factors such as metabolic rate, body composition, activity level, and genetics. Each individual's energy requirements are unique, influenced by their specific physiological characteristics and lifestyle habits.

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Q: Why does two sixteen years old males of the same weight might need different amounts of energy?
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Why do two people of the same age and weight need different amounts of energy?

Two people of the same age and weight may need different amounts of energy due to variations in their metabolism, activity levels, muscle mass, and overall health. Each person's body processes and utilizes energy differently, leading to variations in their caloric needs. Additionally, individual factors such as genetics, hormones, and lifestyle choices can also influence energy requirements.

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Why would two 16 years old males of the same weight might need different amounts of energy?

lots of reasons, metabolism, environment, height, health problems, different stages of puberty, not to be racist but colour...hope this helps

Why does sixteen year old males of the same weight might need different amount of energy?

They may do different activities during the day. So if a one of them is going for a run and one is just staying in watching TV. The male who is running will need more energy than the one who is relaxing as he will need to respire.

What is the best weight for a sixteen year old female who is 5 foot 2 inches in height?

41-60 Kg is best weight for a sixteen year old female with 5'2" height.

Should you cut out carbohydrates when weight training?

No. If you cut down on carbs you may not have enough energy to do a proper workout. Consuming proper amounts of carbohydrates can help you have enough energy to workout properly.