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The motion of a sphere in fluid becomes uniform over time due to the balance between gravitational forces and fluid resistance. As the sphere moves, the fluid creates a drag force that eventually equals the gravitational force acting on the sphere. This equilibrium causes the sphere to move at a constant velocity, resulting in a uniform motion.

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Q: Why does the sphere moving in a fluid become uniform after certain time?
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Why the motion of sphere becomes uniform after a certain time?

The motion of a sphere becomes uniform after a certain time due to the balance between external forces (if any) and internal forces like friction or air resistance that act upon the sphere. Once the sphere reaches a steady state, the external and internal forces cancel each other out, resulting in a uniform motion.

Gravitation Force inside a sphere?

The gravitational force inside a solid sphere is zero because the gravitational forces from the parts of the sphere above cancel out the forces from the parts below, resulting in a net force of zero at any point inside the sphere. This is known as the shell theorem.

The period of oscillation of a pendulum of constant length at the earths surface is T.its period inside a mine would be?

The period of oscillation of a pendulum in a mine would remain the same as at the Earth's surface. The period of a simple pendulum depends only on its length and the acceleration due to gravity, which remains constant whether on the Earth's surface or inside a mine.

What is the gravitational field inside a hollow sphere?

The gravitational field inside a hollow sphere is zero. This is because the gravitational force from the spherical shell cancels out in all directions, resulting in no net gravitational force at the center or within the sphere.

A sphere of linear magnetic material is placed in an otherwise uniform magnetic field Bo find the new field inside the sphere?

The new field inside the sphere will be weaker than the external field due to the magnetic properties of the material. The ratio between the internal and external fields can be determined by the material's magnetic susceptibility. The field inside the sphere will be B = Bo / (1 + χ), where Bo is the external field and χ is the magnetic susceptibility of the material.

Related questions

Why the motion of sphere becomes uniform after a certain time?

The motion of a sphere becomes uniform after a certain time due to the balance between external forces (if any) and internal forces like friction or air resistance that act upon the sphere. Once the sphere reaches a steady state, the external and internal forces cancel each other out, resulting in a uniform motion.

How the nuclear atom differs from the uniform sphere model of the atom?

The nuclear atom differs from the uniform sphere model, because they both are made from different atoms because of the elements.

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How many curved faces has a sphere?

1 really. You cannot denote any specific sides or faces as it has to be uniform to be a sphere

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Sometimes, a sphere trader will trade you one for a certain size, certain color sphere.

Two spheres are cut from a certain uniform rock One has radius 4.15 cm The mass of the other is six times greater Find its radius?

Provided they are the same thickness, the larger sphere will have a radius of 10.165cm

What happens when a sphere strikes a sphere?

The answer depends on their relative masses and elasticity. Some of the kinetic energy of the first sphere will be lost in sound (the bang), some will be absorbed by the elasticity of the two spheres. If there is any energy left over, the second sphere will begin to move in the direction that the first one was moving in. Finally, depending the first sphere may continue moving in the direction in which it was moving, it may come to a stop or it may reverse its direction of motion.

What is the center of gravity on a sphere?

Assuming the ball is a perfect sphere of uniform density, and is suspended from a massless string, the centre of gravity is in the centre of the ball.

Is an orbital a sphere of uniform density?

No, an orbital is a region in space where there is a high probability of finding an electron in an atom. The shape and size of an orbital can vary depending on the energy level and type of orbital (s, p, d, f). It does not have uniform density like a solid sphere.

How can you change a circle into a sphere?

You just can't. A circle would become a sphere if it revolved around an imaginary axis.

Gravitation Force inside a sphere?

The gravitational force inside a solid sphere is zero because the gravitational forces from the parts of the sphere above cancel out the forces from the parts below, resulting in a net force of zero at any point inside the sphere. This is known as the shell theorem.