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The circular muscles in the esophagus help with peristalsis, the wave-like contractions that push food downward. The longitudinal muscles aid in the stretching and shortening of the esophagus during swallowing. This dual muscle arrangement allows for efficient movement of food along the digestive tract.

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Q: Why does the oesophagus have circular and longitudinal muscles?
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What are the two major groups of body muscles in annelids called?

Circular and Longitudinal muscles.

How are earthworms circular and longitudinal muscles used in locomotion?

When the circular muscles contract, they make the worm skinnier. When the longitudinal muslces contract, they make the worm shorter. This series of movements allows for the worm to move forward.

How are the functions of longitudinal and circular muscles in annelids different?

Longitudinal muscles in annelids run along the length of the body and are responsible for elongating and shortening the body. Circular muscles encircle the body and are responsible for making the body thinner and longer. Together, these muscles work in coordination to help annelids move and burrow through different substrates.

How do the earthworm maintain its shape?

using circular muscles or use longitudinal muscles to squeeze itself flat

What is the function of the Longitudinal muscles in the GI tract?

The circular muscle layer prevents food from traveling backward and the longitudinal layer shortens the tract. By Ah Mok

Why do some muscles appear to run in different directions?

Some muscles appear to run in different directions because that is their inclinations. The direction may be circular or longitudinal.

Why are muscles arranged in circular and longitudinal layer?

In smooth muscle these transitionally alternating muscle fibers help to serve the actions of peristalsis. As the circular fibers contract the tube (lumen) constricts and as the longitudinal fibers contract it opens up the lumen.

How does an earthworm's circular and longitudinal muscles aid in movement?

Their short bristles or hairs are a great aid to them as well as the peristalsis of their locomotion.

How does muscle coordination enable the earth worm to move?

There will be contractions and expansions of circular and longitudinal muscles passing through the segmented body

Where are muscles on an earthworms?

Earthworm have narrow bands of circular muscle fibers around their bodies and longitudinal muscles that control the length of their bodies located inside the circular muscles. These two sets of muscles, which are attached to the bristle-like setae on the outside of the body, work together to change the length and thickness of the worm so it can move.

Is the stomach muscle involuntary?

It is actually four involuntary muscles. The longitudinal layer, circular layer and oblique layer of the muscularis externa and the pyloric sphincter

What are the actions of the circular and longitudinal muscles that result in crawling?

Circular muscles contract, causing the worm to constrict and shorten its body length. Longitudinal muscles contract, causing the worm to elongate and lengthen its body. The alternating contractions of these muscles create the crawling movement in worms.