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The frequency of the carrier of an analog signal can be anything you want it to be.

Just be sure you notify the intended recipient of the frequency you're using to

transmit, otherwise he won't be able to find your signal on his radio dial and receive

your message.

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A carrier wave frequency of 200,000 Hz is chosen for analog signals to ensure that the signal can accurately represent the original information being transmitted. This frequency allows for a wider range of frequencies to be modulated onto the carrier wave, resulting in a higher fidelity transmission. Additionally, it is chosen to minimize interference with other signals and to be within the audible range for human perception.

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Q: Why does the frequency of a carrier wave of an analog signal need to be 200 000 Hz?
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Why you need spectrum of periodic signal?

The spectrum of a periodic signal provides information about the frequency content of the signal, which is crucial for analyzing and understanding its behavior. By decomposing the signal into its constituent frequencies, one can identify specific frequency components present, their magnitudes, and their phase relationships, aiding in tasks like filtering, modulation, and signal processing. It allows for a comprehensive understanding of the signal's characteristics in the frequency domain.

How do you perform wavelet transformation?

Wavelet transformation is a mathematical technique used in signal processing. To perform wavelet transformation, you need to convolve the input signal with a wavelet function. This process involves decomposing the signal into different frequency components at various scales. The output of wavelet transformation provides information about the signal's frequency content at different resolutions.

Digital signal in free space?

In free space, a digital signal travels in the form of electromagnetic waves. These waves carry binary data using variations in frequency, amplitude, or phase to transmit information without the need for a physical medium. The signal can be affected by factors such as interference, distance, and obstacles in the environment.

How static frequency converter works?

A static frequency converter works by converting input AC power at one frequency into output AC power at a different frequency without the need for mechanical components. This is achieved by using power electronics components like transistors and capacitors to adjust the frequency of the electrical signal. Static frequency converters are commonly used in applications where different frequencies are required, such as aircraft and ship power systems.

What is spectral energy density?

The energy spectral density describes how the energy (or variance) of a signal or a time series is distributed with frequency.You can read more in Wikipedia 'Spectral Density', but you will need good maths to understand it!

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Is The carrier frequency is usually lower than the modulating frequency?

when the frequency is low , energy will be obviously low. To increase the energy of the signal we need to increase the frequency. This is achieved by multiplying the message signal with the carrier signal (with high frequency).

Why is amplitude of demodulated FM signal much less than modulated signal?

because demodulated FM is an audio signal, which the frequency is much smaller that is why it can be transmitted alone. It need carrier which has large frequency. Modulated signal is an audio signal + carrier that is why the amplitude is higher.

What is the relation between carrier frequency and modulating signal?

If the modulating system is AM (Amplitude Modulation) then the amplitude of the carrier wave changes with the amplitude of the modulation. On a specrum analyser that shows up as frequency sidebands. If the frequency of the carrier waves depends on the amplitude of the modulating signal that is called FM (frequency modulation). On a spectrum analyser that shows up as sidebands also.

What is the frequency and wave form of old land line phone carrier?

First answer.The landline phone has no carrier frequency it is a baseband signal with a 3KHz bandwidth.Correction:So there is a signal that can handle a 3KHz bandwidth, what do you call that signal? I call it a carrier, if you don't have a carrier, you will need to amplify the audio every 30 meters else you will end up with no audio at the end of the line. So there is a carrier on all phone lines. Note the carrier signal are up to 90 VPP and is AM modulated at the instrument, but in digital systems the carrier are switched on and of, FSK modulation.

What is the need for fourier transform in analog signal processing?

The fourier transform is used in analog signal processing in order to convert from time domain to frequency domain and back. By doing this, it is easier to implement filters, shifters, compression, etc.

How does the FSK modulator circuit work?

The FSK (Frequency Shift Keying) modulator circuit works by shifting the carrier, a sine wave of a given frequency, to another frequency back and forth as the input signal changes. On the receiving end, the demodulator works by detecting one or both of the frequencies, often with a band-pass filter, regenerating the input signal. You can also use a signal processor to convert the carrier from time domain to frequency domain with a fourier transform, and then pick off the signal that way.) The FSK method of modulating/demodulation is typically limited to low frequency signal rates, such as 300 bits per second. You can also modulate multiple input signals onto one carrier, but the workable signal rate of each goes down. (In one signalling example, six analog inputs were used to duty cycle modulate six 10 hertz pulse trains, which were then FSK modulated onto one carrier. The receiving end had six band-pass filters, and six converters back to the analog domain.) If you are going to modulate more than one signal, you need to pick the frequencies carefully, so that their harmonic spectra do not intersect, otherwise you could get cross-talk if there is distortion in the carrier.)

Why Need for carrier frequency stability?

Explain the need for carrier frequency stability in radio transmitters?

Where should analog to digital converter be placed?

where an analog signal is to be converted into digital signal,because in some applications we need digital signal where we have analog signal that is we use an A/D converter

What Technology is used to modify analog signals to make them suitable for carrying data over a communication path?

Normally analog signals don't need any modifying, communications channels are naturally analog in nature. To multiplex several analog signals on one path one often uses FDM (Frequency Division Multiplexing), which requires modulating a carrier with each analog signal to be sent and then combining the modulated carriers. But I don't know if that was what you were referring to.

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Low frequency signal are not able to get propagated throught longer distance. So it is to be carried by a carrier wave. Hence high frequency carrier wave is to be generated by the help of an oscillator. So we need an oscillator here a crystal oscillator to produce high frequency carrier waves.

Need of modulation in communication?

Need for modulation: 1. Length of the antenna for a transmitter is inversly proportional to the frequency of the signal to be transmitted. So we try shift the frequency of the singal for the transmission to higher frequencies. 2. Every transmission of signal in a bandwidth is assigned with a particular frequency which is attained by modulating the signal with the carrier frequency. Different modulation techniques are implemented according to the requirements and compatibilities

Would you use a analog multimeter to check the signal level of a digital circuit?

If its a very low frequency signal you might. A digital `signal` is still on and off voltages. If its too fast to see the meter changing then you need another method.