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Because at the entrance to the vagina there is a thin layer of skin called the hymen, it is there to protect the inner vagina when the girl is young and as she first has sex the penis breaks this barrier. This can often bleed and be quite painful. But even if she has already broken her hymen by accident for instance while horse riding, her vagina will not be used to having an object inserted into it so will be slightly painful unitl it gets used to the sensation. The key to slightly less pain is a hell of a lot of foreplay in order to get her well lubricated.

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4mo ago

The first time can be uncomfortable or painful due to lack of experience, nervousness, and tightness of the vaginal muscles. It's important to communicate with your partner, take things slow, and use lubrication to help reduce discomfort. Remember that everyone's experience is different and it may not be painful for everyone.

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The magnitude of the acceleration of the during the first 3 seconds is?

The magnitude of acceleration during the first 3 seconds can be determined by calculating the change in velocity over that time period. By dividing this change in velocity by the time interval (3 seconds), you can find the average acceleration magnitude during that time.

When a person makes an object for the first time it's called what?

When a person makes an object for the first time, it's typically referred to as "creating" or "crafting" the object.

What part of speech is time in the following two sentences one we have plenty of TIME and the next one is did you TIME yourself on those laps?

In the first sentence, "time" is a noun referring to a period of time. In the second sentence, "time" is used as a verb meaning to measure or track the duration of an activity.

Why does it hurt your girl when you make love?

Pain during sex can be caused by a variety of factors, such as lack of lubrication, vaginal infections, pelvic floor issues, or emotional concerns like anxiety or past trauma. It's important to communicate openly with your partner, and if the pain persists, encourage her to talk to a healthcare provider to address any underlying issues.

Why does it hurt your jaws when you blow up a balloon?

Blowing up a balloon requires a significant amount of air pressure from your lungs, which can strain the muscles in your jaw and face. The repetitive action of blowing can also cause fatigue and discomfort in the jaw area.

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