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When sunlight hits the wall it is reflected back in all directions. Some of it hits your eye and some of it hits the mirror. The light that hits the mirror re-reflected back to its source and strikes the wall again. That light is then re-re-reflected of the surface and some of it reaches your eye. Basically, the light that would have normally gone elsewhere is given a second chance to reach your eye.

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When sunlight is reflected off a mirror onto a surface, the reflective surface acts as a focusing lens, concentrating the light onto a smaller area which makes it appear brighter. This concentrated light increases the intensity of the light reaching the surface, making it seem much brighter compared to the surrounding sunlight.

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Q: Why does sunlight reflected off a mirror onto an already sunlit surface appear to be much brighter?
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Is light brighter when reflected?

Yes, light can appear brighter when it is reflected off a surface because some of the light energy is redirected towards the observer. The amount of brightness depends on the angle of reflection and the properties of the reflecting surface.

Is Sunlight that strikes a snow covered surface reflected?

Yes, sunlight that strikes a snow-covered surface is mostly reflected due to the high albedo of snow, which is the amount of solar radiation reflected by a surface. This reflection is why snow appears bright and can contribute to glare on sunny days.

What must be equal to the amount of sunlight reflected plus the amout absorbed?

The amount of sunlight reflected plus the amount absorbed must be equal to the amount of sunlight that hits the surface (incident sunlight) in order to account for all the incoming solar radiation.

What controls the brightness of the color of an object?

The brightness of the color of an object is determined by the amount of light that is reflected by the object's surface. The color itself is determined by the wavelengths of light that are reflected, with the object appearing brighter or darker depending on how much light is reflected back to our eyes.

Can water reflect the colors of sunlight?

Yes, water can reflect the colors of sunlight. When sunlight hits the surface of water, it can be partially reflected, creating a spectrum of colors that we see as a reflection on the water's surface. Factors like the angle of the sunlight and the cleanliness of the water can affect the intensity and clarity of this reflection.

Related questions

What happens to the sunlight that hits the surface of the Earth?

Sunlight that hits the Earth's surface is absorbed by the Earth. It is then reflected back.

Why do we get moonlight?

It is sunlight reflected from the moon's surface onto the earth.

The portion of sunlight reflected by the Moon's surface is called?


What is the percentage of sunlight reflected by the earth's surface?

On average the earth reflects about 30% of the incident sunlight.

Is light brighter when reflected?

Yes, light can appear brighter when it is reflected off a surface because some of the light energy is redirected towards the observer. The amount of brightness depends on the angle of reflection and the properties of the reflecting surface.

Is Sunlight that strikes a snow covered surface reflected?

Yes, sunlight that strikes a snow-covered surface is mostly reflected due to the high albedo of snow, which is the amount of solar radiation reflected by a surface. This reflection is why snow appears bright and can contribute to glare on sunny days.

What percent of sunlight is reflected off of the earth's surface?

47% heavy.

What happens when sunlight hits a surface?

The sunlight will be absorbed by the surface.If the surface is a mirror,lesser light will be absorbed.More will be reflected. If the surface is black,more light will be absorbed.

What are 3 examples of light being reflected?

Mirror reflecting light off its surface. Water surface reflecting sunlight. Shiny metal surface reflecting light.

The term albedo refers to the?

Albedo refers to the amount of sunlight that is reflected off a surface, typically measured as a percentage. Higher albedo values mean more sunlight is reflected, while lower values indicate more absorption by the surface.

Energy that is reflected from the atmosphere is?

called albedo, and it represents the amount of sunlight that is reflected off the Earth's surface back into space. Albedo is influenced by factors such as surface type, cloud cover, and atmospheric conditions. A high albedo means more sunlight is reflected, while a low albedo means more sunlight is absorbed.

Does moonlight come directly from the moon?

Moonlight is sunlight reflected off the surface of the moon.