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The naming of the colours in the visible spectrum were arbitrary, However there was a common agreement that red (or equivalent terms in other languages) was the colour associate with light having a wavelength of about 650 nm. This wavelength is longer than the other visible light colours and is part of the overall electromagnetic spectrum ranging from wavelengths of a millionth of a nanometer (gamma rays) to radio wave of a 100 km or so.In short the name came first, then we figured out what the wavelength was.

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Red light has a lower frequency because it has a longer wavelength compared to other colors in the visible spectrum. Electromagnetic waves with longer wavelengths have lower frequencies, while waves with shorter wavelengths have higher frequencies. This is why red light, with its longer wavelength, falls on the lower end of the visible light spectrum in terms of frequency.

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Its arbitrary.

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Q: Why does red have a lower frequency then other colors?
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How will you relate color light with frequency?

Color light is determined by the frequency of the light waves. Different colors of light correspond to different frequencies of light waves. For example, red light has a lower frequency than blue light. The relationship between color light and frequency is that higher frequencies are associated with colors towards the violet end of the spectrum, while lower frequencies are associated with colors towards the red end.

What color has the lowest energy?

The color with the lowest energy is red. In the visible light spectrum, red light has longer wavelengths and lower frequencies, giving it lower energy compared to other colors like blue or violet.

What are the colors you see on an electromagnet spectrum?

The electromagnetic spectrum includes colors that range from violet (shorter wavelength, higher frequency) to red (longer wavelength, lower frequency). In order, the colors visible to the human eye are violet, blue, green, yellow, orange, and red. Beyond red are infrared rays, which are invisible to the human eye.

Do all colors travel at the same frequency?

No, different colors have different frequencies. Colors are determined by the wavelengths of light, with shorter wavelengths corresponding to higher frequencies and hence different colors. For example, red light has a longer wavelength and lower frequency compared to blue light.

How is frequency related to color?

Frequency is directly related to color in terms of light waves. Higher frequency waves appear as colors on the violet end of the spectrum, while lower frequency waves appear as colors on the red end of the spectrum. The frequency of light waves determines the specific color that is perceived by our eyes.

Related questions

What color is invisable too the eye?

The human eye can only perceive the colors from violent to red. All colors that have a wave frequency higher than violent, "ultra-violent", and have a wave frequency lower than red, "infra-red", are invisible to the human eye. Since we cannot see these colors, we do not have names for them other than their frequencies.

How will you relate color light with frequency?

Color light is determined by the frequency of the light waves. Different colors of light correspond to different frequencies of light waves. For example, red light has a lower frequency than blue light. The relationship between color light and frequency is that higher frequencies are associated with colors towards the violet end of the spectrum, while lower frequencies are associated with colors towards the red end.

Which colour has the minimum frequency?

Of the colors of visible light, that would be red. Note that there are electromagnetic waves with an even lower frequency - for example, infrared - but those are not visible to human eyes.

What color has the lowest energy?

The color with the lowest energy is red. In the visible light spectrum, red light has longer wavelengths and lower frequencies, giving it lower energy compared to other colors like blue or violet.

What are the colors you see on an electromagnet spectrum?

The electromagnetic spectrum includes colors that range from violet (shorter wavelength, higher frequency) to red (longer wavelength, lower frequency). In order, the colors visible to the human eye are violet, blue, green, yellow, orange, and red. Beyond red are infrared rays, which are invisible to the human eye.

Do all colors travel at the same frequency?

No, different colors have different frequencies. Colors are determined by the wavelengths of light, with shorter wavelengths corresponding to higher frequencies and hence different colors. For example, red light has a longer wavelength and lower frequency compared to blue light.

Which had lower frequency infrared radiation or red light?

Infrared has a lower frequency.

How is frequency related to color?

Frequency is directly related to color in terms of light waves. Higher frequency waves appear as colors on the violet end of the spectrum, while lower frequency waves appear as colors on the red end of the spectrum. The frequency of light waves determines the specific color that is perceived by our eyes.

What part of the transverse wave determines the color of light?

The frequency of the wave determines the color of light. Higher frequency waves correspond to colors towards the blue end of the spectrum, while lower frequency waves correspond to colors towards the red end of the spectrum.

Does the frequency of the colors of light increase from red to violet?

yes, because the violet has the highest frequency than red

How visible is light?

By frequency into colors (from red to violet).

What is the relationship between the frequency of light and its color?

The frequency of light determines its color. Light with higher frequency appears blue or violet, while light with lower frequency appears red or orange. This relationship is described by the electromagnetic spectrum, where different frequencies correspond to different colors.