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Eccentric muscle contractions involve the lengthening of the muscle under tension, which allows for greater force production compared to concentric contractions where the muscle shortens. This occurs because the muscle fibers can generate more force during the controlled lengthening process in eccentric contractions, leading to greater tension development.

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Q: Why does eccentric produce more force than concentric?
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Are eccentric contractions more forceful than concentric contractions?

Yes, eccentric contractions when maximal voluntary performed are more forceful than concentric contraction. Inspite the use of more motor units recruited when a eccentric contraction is performed. The greater force might be possible because of the stretch induced force (elastic force). A counter-movement jump is also performed better than a jump without counter-movement.21. McCully, KEVIN K., AND JOHN A. FAULKNER. Injury to skeletal muscle fibers of mice following lengthening contractions. J. Appl. Physiol. 59(l): 119-126, 1985.

Is walking downhill a concentric or eccentric contraction of your quadriceps muscle?

Every step, whether going uphill, downhill, or on flat land, involves both an eccentric and concentric contraction.The eccentric contraction occurs when the quadriceps muscles lengthen as they load. In order for your quadriceps to lengthen, the knee must bend. Thus, the eccentric contraction in the walking motion occurs just after you step. This is perhaps more obvious with running than walking. After the foot touches the ground, the quadriceps is loaded eccentrically by the weight of the body as the knee bends.The concentric contraction of the quadriceps occurs then when the muscle shortens, as you push off from your foot. Again, this is probably more obvious with a running motion than walking motion. After the weight of your body has shifted onto the foot that is currently in contact with the ground (with your knee bent), your quadriceps contracts concentrically as the knee unbends and you lift your own body weight.So walking, even downhill, still involves both eccentric and concentric contractions. Walking (and running) downhill can lead to fatigue in your quadriceps due to the greater eccentric loading that occurs when going downhill. The range of muscle motion can be greater and your body is coming from "higher" up (its previous elevation on the hill), which can increase the load as well. As compared with concentric contractions, eccentric contractions can cause more damage to the muscle.

Will produce the most force?

Using a longer lever arm will produce more force.

Whats difference between eccentric and concentric muscle contractions and examples of when in use?

Eccentric and Concentric contractions are both types of Isotonic Contraction. In isotontic contractions the length of a muscle changes, ie movement occurs, unlike an Isometric Contraction where force is applied but no movement occurs. Concentric contraction is the more obvious type of sixe change a muscle can have, it is when the muscle Shortens to move the Load. For example id one was to bend the elbow whilslt holding a weight (called a Bicep Curl) the Brachialis and, to a lesser extent, the Biceps Brach would shorten and pull the forearm up with the weight. Eccentric contracion is the type that muslce builder who wish to bulk up with inefficient muscle use. This is where the muscle Lengthens under conrtaction. To continue the same example above, imagine the weight was too heavy to hold up so it starts to fall under control. The brachialis and biceps muscles are still contracting trying to hold the weight in place but they are not producing enough force so the load is stretching them out.

What is two or more circles with same center called?

Concentric circles.

Two or more circles with the center are?


Why were women important in the colonial work force?

To produce more children.

Can a force produce more than one effect at a time?

yes it can .

Concentric circles on the disk surface?

Concentric circles, are circles within circles. Each concentric circle on the surface of a disk represents a track, the narrower the circle is, the more data can be stored on the disk.

What two or more circles with the same center?

They are concentric.

How can you use eccentric in a sentence?

The eccentric old man washed his hands with pea soup. Pluto's orbit is much more eccentric than the orbit of any major planet.

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