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If the engine is placed above the body of the plane, the body acts as a shield that reflects or absorbs the noise going towards ground level, much the same way that a wall will muffle sound from an adjoining room

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Aircraft with engines above the fuselage produce less noise because the fuselage acts as a barrier, blocking some of the engine noise from reaching the ground. In contrast, an aircraft with engines below the body allows the noise to propagate more directly to the ground, increasing the noise levels. Additionally, the positioning of the engines can affect how sound waves are dispersed and reflected, further influencing noise levels.

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Q: Why does an aircraft which has its engines above the fuselage produce less noise than one which has the engines below its body?
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How do lift thrust drag and gravity work together to achieve flight?

Lift is generated by the wings to counteract gravity and keep the aircraft airborne. Thrust is provided by the engines to overcome drag, which is the force that resists the aircraft's forward motion. Together, lift and thrust work against gravity and drag to keep the aircraft in a state of controlled flight.

Why is it that a subsonic aircraft cannot produce a sonic boom?

A subsonic aircraft flies below the speed of sound, so it does not break the sound barrier. A sonic boom is created when an object travels at or above the speed of sound, causing a buildup and release of pressure waves that result in a loud noise. Since a subsonic aircraft does not exceed the speed of sound, it does not generate a sonic boom.

How aircraft fly?

Aircraft fly due to a combination of aerodynamic forces: lift, thrust, drag, and weight. When air flows over the wings, the shape of the wing causes the air pressure above the wing to be lower than below it, creating lift. Thrust from the engines propels the aircraft forward, overcoming drag. Gravity acts as weight, which is counteracted by lift. By balancing these forces, the aircraft can achieve and maintain flight.

How do airplanes lift off from the ground?

Aircraft wings produce lift by a principle discovered by Bernoulli. The air above the wing is at a lower pressure that the air below essentially socking it up. But is also true that the air beneath the wing strikes it providing a action reaction.

Is air pressure greater above the wing or below the wing?

Air pressure is lower above the wing and higher below the wing. This pressure difference creates lift, which helps an aircraft stay airborne.

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Why don't modern commercial aircraft have viewing decks for passengers either above or below the aircraft's fuselage?

Some Luftusana do have them on their planes. I was on one last summer that had a bank of restrooms below the fuselage. It was a really cool plane.

Do jet engines airplanes have a critical engine?

With the above mentioned answer, it is pretty much correct except for the twin engine aircraft. For the twin engine aircraft, the critical engine is the one that produces a thrust line closest to the fuselage. Example: if the twin engine aircraft is equipped with 2X engines which have the propeller rotating in a clockwise direction, then the left engine will be the critical engine. This is because the down going blade on the left engine will produce a line of thrust closest to the fuselage compared to the right engine's propeller. So it is safe to say that if the left engine fails, the aircraft will be harder to control because the thrust line produced by the live engine on the right side has a longer arm from the fuselage causing a higher moment wanting to yaw and roll the aircraft to the left which is harder to control compared to if the right engine fails, such as the Piper Twin Comanche aircraft. However, if the twin engine aircraft is equipped with counter rotating propellers, meaning, the left engine prop rotating clockwise and the right engine propeller rotating counter clockwise, then there is no critical engine, because both down going blades of the propeller produces a thrust line both equal in distance from the center of the fuselage.

Is waist a noun?

Yes, it is a noun. It is the anatomical area at the lower end of the abdomen, above the point where the legs join the pelvis. The term is also applied to the central portion of an aircraft fuselage.

What is a biplane?

A plane with two wings on each side of the fuselage

How many engines does a jet plane have?

Depending on the size of the jet, the amount of engines may vary between 2 and 4 (on most commercial aircraft) The engines can be fixed to the wings, integrated in the tail, or above the stabilizers in the rear of the plane.

Where is the engine located on a single engine plane?

Most commonly on the front attached to the fuselage. However, there are many variations. On a "pusher" the engine is at the back of the fuselage. The engine can be mounted above the wing and fuselage on some seaplanes.

What a different aircraft pump feed with aircraft gravity feed?

If this question relates to the fuel system , A gravity feed system would need to have the fuel tanks in the wings that would need to be above the level of the engines, IE: in a high wing aircraft. A pumped system would be used in a low wing aircraft or in a engine that required a constant fast fuel flow.

How fast can a jet aircraft go?

conventional jet engines (using a compressor) will operate at speeds up to slightly less than Mach 1using an afterburner a conventional jet engine can operate at speeds slightly above Mach 3ramjet engines will operate at speeds up to about Mach 5scramjet engines can operate at speeds well above Mach 6However the maximum speed of of an actual airplane is usually less than the capability of the engines it uses.

How high would a plane be flying to NOT create a sonic boom?

The aircraft would need to be above the atmosphere. Unfortunately there would be no air for the engines or for the wings to generate lift, so the flight would end abruptly.

What altitude do single engine planes fly?

Generally, about 10,000 feet is the service ceiling for most single engine aircraft. Above 10,000 feet, most carburated engines lean out too much to run well and most humans have trouble breathing above that altitude.

What does rotor mean?

Rotor blades are on helicopters. They are the long narrow parts above the fuselage (cabin) .When these rotate they impart 'lift' to the helicopter.

Is a biplane a machine?

Of course it is. The term biplane is used to describe an aircraft with double wings, one set above the other. Due to the relatively weak engines on early aircraft, the wing area required to achieve sufficient lift was huge; so double wings were necessary. In fact, during WW1, some of the more famous fighter aircraft were triplanes with triple wings. As aeroplane development continued, more powerful engines were developed, and the biplane became largely obsolete. However, they are most DEFINITELY machines...