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Air travel faster over water than land due to the smooth surface of water causing less friction compared to the uneven surface of land. This reduced friction allows the air to flow more freely and at a higher speed.

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Q: Why does air travel faster over water than land?
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Is it faster to travel over land or water?

It depends on the specific route and mode of transportation, but generally traveling over water is faster than over land due to fewer obstacles and direct routes being available for ships or boats. However, certain land transportation methods like airplanes can be faster than sea voyages for long distances.

Do tsunamis travel faster over shallow water or deep water?

Tsunamis typically travel faster over deep water due to the reduced friction and resistance compared to shallow water. Once they reach shallow water near coastlines, they slow down and can increase in height as the energy is compressed.

How land breeze and sea breeze produced?

Land breezes are produced when the land cools faster than water at night, causing the air over the land to become denser and flow towards the warmer ocean. Sea breezes are produced during the day when the land heats up faster than the water, causing the air over the land to rise and flow towards the cooler ocean.

Does sound get louder when traveling over water?

Sound can travel faster and further over water compared to air, but it does not necessarily get louder. The sound intensity can remain the same, with the medium affecting how far the sound can travel and how well it can be heard.

What heats and cools fastest in a 24 hour period land or water?

Water heats and cools faster than land. This is because water has a higher specific heat capacity than land, meaning it requires more energy to change its temperature. As a result, water will heat up and cool down more slowly compared to land over a 24-hour period.

Related questions

Does air travel faster over land or water?


Is it faster to travel over land or water?

It depends on the specific route and mode of transportation, but generally traveling over water is faster than over land due to fewer obstacles and direct routes being available for ships or boats. However, certain land transportation methods like airplanes can be faster than sea voyages for long distances.

Electromagnetic waves travel faster over land or water?

as long as they are both traveling through the air, then the speed is the same.

Why did portuguese explorers want to get to Asia by sea?

Sea travel is faster than over land travel.

A forms when air over land cools faster than air over water?

land breeze

What forms when air over land cools faster then air over water?

land breeze - this happens at night

Why was water travel often preferred to travel over land?

Water travel was often preferred over land travel because it was faster, required less physical effort, and could transport larger quantities of goods and people efficiently. Water routes also provided access to areas that were otherwise difficult to reach by land.

Do hurricane winds decrease more over cold water or warmer land?

Hurricane winds decrease faster over land.

Which is used for short distance travel over land and water?


Do tsunamis travel faster over shallow water or deep water?

Tsunamis typically travel faster over deep water due to the reduced friction and resistance compared to shallow water. Once they reach shallow water near coastlines, they slow down and can increase in height as the energy is compressed.

Can hurricanes travel over land and water?

Hurricanes require warm ocean water to sustain their strength. While they can travel over land, they typically weaken rapidly once they move inland due to the lack of warm water to fuel them.

Wind that travels across land are?

known as land breezes. These breezes are caused by the temperature difference between the land and sea. During the night, the land cools faster than the sea, creating a high-pressure area over the land that causes wind to blow from the land towards the sea.