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It is the same as why an object at higher place had more energy than one on the floor. Energy is the difference of potential, for kinetic energy example it is the height, greater height is greater energy. For the wave, energy could be stored in amplitude and frequency. Low amplitude or no amplitude is no energy and any amplitude higher than the zero amplitude would have more energy.

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A wave with a large amplitude carries more energy because the energy of a wave is directly proportional to the square of its amplitude. As the amplitude increases, the amount of energy transferred by the wave also increases due to the higher magnitude of displacement of the wave's particles from their equilibrium position.

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Q: Why does a wave with a large amplitude carry more energy than one with small amplitude?
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Why do large amplitude waves carry more energy than small amplitude waves?

Large amplitude waves have more energy because the amplitude of a wave is directly proportional to its energy. A wave with a larger amplitude means that the particles it displaces move over a greater distance, resulting in more energy being transferred. This is why large amplitude waves, like tsunamis or high amplitude sound waves, have more destructive power than small amplitude waves.

Why a sound wave with a large amplitude is more likely to damage your hearing than one with a small amplitude?

Sound waves with large amplitudes carry more energy, which can cause greater pressure on the ear drums and other parts of the ear. This increased pressure can lead to physical damage to the delicate structures of the ear, resulting in hearing loss or other auditory problems. Sound waves with small amplitudes have less energy and therefore are less likely to cause such damage.

Would a small wave or a large wave have more energy?

A large wave would have more energy than a small wave. The energy of a wave is determined by its amplitude, so a wave with a greater height (larger amplitude) will have more energy.

Describe the difference between a compressional wave with a large amplitude and one with a small amplitude?

A compressional wave with a large amplitude has greater displacement of particles from their equilibrium positions, resulting in higher energy and louder sound. In contrast, a compressional wave with a small amplitude has lesser displacement of particles, lower energy, and a quieter sound.

A wave with high amplitude?

A wave with high amplitude has large peaks and troughs, indicating a significant amount of energy. This type of wave carries more energy than a wave with small amplitude, and can be more powerful and potentially more destructive. High-amplitude waves are often associated with phenomena like earthquakes, tsunamis, or large storm surges.

Related questions

Why do large amplitude waves carry more energy than small amplitude waves?

Large amplitude waves have more energy because the amplitude of a wave is directly proportional to its energy. A wave with a larger amplitude means that the particles it displaces move over a greater distance, resulting in more energy being transferred. This is why large amplitude waves, like tsunamis or high amplitude sound waves, have more destructive power than small amplitude waves.

Why a sound wave with a large amplitude is more likely to damage your hearing than one with a small amplitude?

Sound waves with large amplitudes carry more energy, which can cause greater pressure on the ear drums and other parts of the ear. This increased pressure can lead to physical damage to the delicate structures of the ear, resulting in hearing loss or other auditory problems. Sound waves with small amplitudes have less energy and therefore are less likely to cause such damage.

Would a small wave or a large wave have more energy?

A large wave would have more energy than a small wave. The energy of a wave is determined by its amplitude, so a wave with a greater height (larger amplitude) will have more energy.

Describe the difference between a compressional wave with a large amplitude and one with a small amplitude?

A compressional wave with a large amplitude has greater displacement of particles from their equilibrium positions, resulting in higher energy and louder sound. In contrast, a compressional wave with a small amplitude has lesser displacement of particles, lower energy, and a quieter sound.

A wave with high amplitude?

A wave with high amplitude has large peaks and troughs, indicating a significant amount of energy. This type of wave carries more energy than a wave with small amplitude, and can be more powerful and potentially more destructive. High-amplitude waves are often associated with phenomena like earthquakes, tsunamis, or large storm surges.

Which carries more energy a wave with large amplitude or small amplitude?

The answer to this depends on your frame of reference.If you are thinking of waves that are produced on our planet and that you might experience in your lifetime, the obvious candidates are (smallest first)the shockwave from a multi-megaton nuclear explosiona tsunamia powerful earthquake (Richter 8+)In the universe at large the waves in a Gamma Ray Burst dwarf all else. The chances of a GRB happening dangerously close to us in any one year are about one in ten billion. Fortunately.

Would you keep the amplitude of simple pendulm small or large?

i think small amplitude is best because small amplitude gives perfect time period as well as to obey SHM.

If a band is playing loudly will the amplitude of the sound waves be small or large?

The amplitude of the sound waves will be largerbecause the larger the amplitude the louderthe sound.

What wave has the a small amplitude?

A radio wave has a small amplitude compared to other types of waves like sound waves or ocean waves. Radio waves have relatively low energy and long wavelengths, which contribute to their small amplitude.

How are frequency and amplitude related?

They're not. The same amplitude can have high or low frequency, and the same frequency can have large or small amplitude.

How do you receive small amplitude input from large amplitude source using clamper?

use a clamper and try not to use clipper..

What is the amplitude of ultraviolet waves?

Ultraviolet waves can have different amplitudes, from very small to very large. There is no specific amplitude that they always have.