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The clay boat (like a steel ship) displaces its own weight in the water. So, as long as the sides of the clay boat (or steel ship) is above the water level, it will float. A solid piece of clay will (like a stone) sink immediately.

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A solid piece of clay sinks because it is denser than water, so it displaces less water than its own weight. A clay boat can float because it is shaped to displace enough water to provide buoyancy that exceeds its weight. The shape of the boat allows it to trap air inside, increasing its buoyancy and enabling it to float.

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Q: Why does a solid piece of clay sink while a clay boat can be made to float?
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Why does a solid piece of clay while a clay boat can be made to float?

The clay boat (like a steel ship) displaces its own weight in the water. So, as long as the sides of the clay boat (or steel ship) is above the water level, it will float. A solid piece of clay will (like a stone) sink immediately.

Why does a solid piece of clay sink while clay boat can be made to float?

The clay boat (like a steel ship) displaces its own weight in the water. So, as long as the sides of the clay boat (or steel ship) is above the water level, it will float. A solid piece of clay will (like a stone) sink immediately.

How can you float a piece of solid material that is dense water?

You can float a dense solid material on water by shaping it into a boat-like structure that displaces enough water to create buoyancy. Another method is to attach a buoyant material, such as foam or a hollow container, to the dense material to increase its overall buoyancy.

Why does a small rock sink and a boat float?

Bouyancy. A Boat/ship is hollowed out to be use to passengers, were as rocks are solid and have a lot less buoyancy.

How does a steel boat float and a flat piece of steel with the same mass sinks?

There is air in the boat so the overall density is less. The weight is spread out.

Which property causes a ball to sink and a boat to float?

Density is the property that causes a ball to sink and a boat to float. If an object is denser than the liquid it is placed in, it will sink, while if the object is less dense than the liquid, it will float.

Will a boat float on liquid soap?

Yes the boat will float on liquid soap

How can a boat float and don't sink?

because the boat is made out of stuff that can float

What is a boat that can float on water?

wow that's sad a boat that can float is any tye of boat that doesnt have a hole in it

Is a houseboat a boat or a ship?

its both it can float on water while being a completley safe enviorment

Can a concrete boat float?

Yes- because they are not a solid block of concrete- they are hollow with a large air space. The weight of the water displaced is greater than the weight of the hollow concrete hull, and it will float.

Can a paper boat float?

Yes, a paper boat can float on water as long as it is well-made and the paper is not too thin. The boat's ability to float depends on its design and the displacement of water.