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A shadow forms when an object blocks the path of light from a source, such as the sun or a light bulb. This interruption creates an area where light cannot reach, resulting in a dark silhouette being cast on a surface behind the object.

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Related questions

What two things are needed for a shadow to form?

A source of light and an object that blocks the light are needed for a shadow to form. The area behind the object where the light is blocked creates the shadow.

Why does your body form a shadow?

Any object that blocks the light forms a shadow.

Why does a shadow form behind you when the sun shines?

A shadow forms when an object blocks the path of light. In the case of the sun shining, the object blocking the light is you, which casts a shadow behind you. The sun's rays are not able to pass through your body, creating the shadow on the ground.

Does a mirror form a shadow in the dark?

Shadows can only form when there is light present. A shadow is the result of a solid object blocking visible light. As a mirror is a solid object it can indeed produce a shadow, but nothing can form a shadow in the dark, there must first exist a light source.

Does a shadow form when an object moves light?

Yes, yes it does.

When does a shadow form?

A shadow forms whenever there is a source of light and something opaque that stands in front of the light.

Why does a shadow not form behind an opaque object?

because light passes through, and you cant have a shadow with light on now can you?

How is shadow form?

From the absence of light. Shadow is form from an opaque or translucent object blocking a light source (since light travels in a straight line).

Where does a shadow form?

A shadow forms when an object blocks light from a light source, causing the area behind the object to be less illuminated. The shadow is created where the light cannot reach due to the obstruction of the object.

Is light similar to a shadow?

No, light and shadow are not similar. Light is electromagnetic radiation that illuminates objects and creates shadows when it is blocked by an object. Shadow is the area where light is blocked by an object, resulting in a darker area behind the object.

What causes the shadow to form?

Shadows are formed when an object blocks light from a source, creating a dark area behind the object where the light cannot reach. The shape and size of the shadow depend on the position of the light source, the object, and the surface on which the shadow falls.

Why does your body form shadows?

Any object that blocks the light forms a shadow.