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salty water is more dense than fresh

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1mo ago

A perspex block sinks in fresh water because it is denser than the water. In salty water, the added salt increases the water's density, causing the perspex block to float. This is due to the principle of buoyancy, where an object will float if it is less dense than the fluid it is in.

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Q: Why does a perspex block sink in fresh water but floats in salty water?
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Why a perspex block sinks in fresh water but will float in very salty water?

The difference in density between the perspex block and the water is what determines whether it sinks or floats. In fresh water, the density of the perspex block is greater than that of the water, causing it to sink. However, in very salty water, the increased density of the water allows the less dense perspex block to float.

Why should an object sink in salty water and float in fresh water?

An object will sink in salty water because the higher density of the salt water provides more buoyant force, making it more difficult for the object to float. In contrast, in fresh water, the lower density creates less buoyant force, allowing the object to float.

What type of water would a swimmer float more easily?

Objects always have more buoyancy in denser fluids than less dense fluids. Therefore, swimmers would float more easily in very salty water.FUN FACT:The Dead Sea, in Jordan, Israel, is so salty that you can float on the surface!

Does eggs float better on salt water or fresh water?

Eggs will float better in saltwater because the salt makes the water denser, causing the egg to float more easily. In freshwater, the egg may sink or not float as readily due to the lower density of the water.

Does water float?

Ice (solid water) floats on liquid water. Fresh water floats on salt water (less salty floats on more salty). Warm water floats on cold water. I was in a fjord in northern Norway some summers ago and the glacial runoff (fresh water) floated on the sea water of the fjord. A layer about 3 centimeters thick on top of the water in the inner part of the fjord was not salty at all ( I tasted it). When you stirred you could see the differences in optical density too. This also caused trouble for boats as hydrodynamic drag increases noticeably when there is a layer of fresh water on top of the salty water.

Related questions

Why a perspex block sinks in fresh water but will float in very salty water?

The difference in density between the perspex block and the water is what determines whether it sinks or floats. In fresh water, the density of the perspex block is greater than that of the water, causing it to sink. However, in very salty water, the increased density of the water allows the less dense perspex block to float.

Do icebergs from the North or South Pole taste salty?

The surface of any iceberg will taste salty, because it floats in salt water. The interior ice, however, is frozen fresh water.

Do pieces of ice float in salt water?

I think that salty ice cube do float in water because ice bergs float it water and they're made of salty water. i think i depends on the density (Amount of salt) in the ice

Is the river salty or fresh?

fresh :)

Is river salty or fresh?

fresh :)

Is the Murray river salty or fresh?


How salty does the sea have to be before an egg floats?

the sea has more density than the egg so the egg floats

Is fresh water unpolluted?

No. Fresh water is simply water that is not noticeably salty.

Are seas salty of fresh watered?

Salty. They are made out of salt water.

Is the Indiana ocean salty or fresh?

Salty. It's connected to all oceans, which are all saltwater, therefore, it is salty.

Can salty water fish live in fresh water and can fresh water fishes live in salty water?

No they cannot, its why they're so called.

Are rivers and streams fresh or salty?

river is fresh water because it has no salt in it. ocean is salt water because of its salt content. hope this helps