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Because when it falls with a speed of let's say 10 mph, It hits the ground, and upon impact the ground takes the kinetic force/momentum/scientific thingamabob and returns it with the same force, and that causes the ball to bounce back. Like if you hit your head off a wall, it hurts because the wall bounces back the force that you hit your head off with back to your head.

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1mo ago

When a ball falls and hits a surface, it compresses due to the force of impact. This compression stores energy in the ball, which is then released as the ball rebounds back off the surface. This release of stored energy propels the ball back up, causing it to bounce.

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Q: Why does a ball bounce back upon a falling?
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Why does a ball bounce upon falling?

because it is round

Why do balls bounce?

Balls bounce because of the conservation of energy. When the ball is pressed down, energy is stored in it due to compression. Upon release, this stored energy is transferred into kinetic energy, causing the ball to spring back up.

If you drop a ball on the floor why does it bounce back up?

When a ball is dropped on the floor, it compresses briefly upon impact. This compression stores potential energy, which is then released as kinetic energy when the ball bounces back up. The elastic properties of the ball allow it to return to its original shape and bounce back up.

Will a plasticine ball bounce?

No, plasticine is not elastic like rubber, so it will not bounce like a rubber ball. It will deform upon impact and stay flattened rather than bouncing back.

Why doesn't the ball bounce back to mthe same height it is dropped?

When a ball is dropped, some of its energy is lost to the surroundings in the form of heat and sound, causing the ball to not bounce back to its original height. This loss of energy is due to factors like air resistance, deformation of the ball upon impact, and friction with the surface it bounces on.

Why is it easy to stop a rubber ball than wooden ball with same speed and size?

The rubber ball will compress upon impact, absorbing some of the energy and reducing the bounce-back effect. This makes it easier to stop compared to a wooden ball, which is more rigid and will bounce back with more force due to its inability to compress.

When a golf ball is dropped to the pavement it bounces back up?

When a golf ball is dropped onto the pavement, it compresses upon impact and stores some of the energy. This stored energy is then released, causing the ball to bounce back up into the air. The elasticity of the ball and the pavement's surface play a role in dictating the height and speed of the bounce.

How does elastic energy affect a bouncing ball?

When a ball bounces, elastic potential energy is stored in the ball as it gets compressed upon hitting the ground. This potential energy is then converted into kinetic energy as the ball rebounds off the ground, causing it to bounce back up. The more elastic the ball, the higher it will bounce as it can better convert the stored potential energy back into kinetic energy.

What common energy causes a rubber ball to bounce?

When a rubber ball is dropped, the potential energy is converted to kinetic energy upon hitting the ground, causing the ball to compress and then rebound. The elastic properties of the rubber material then allow the ball to quickly return to its original shape, transferring the kinetic energy back into potential energy and causing the ball to bounce back up.

How does kinetic energy of the ball relate to the bounce of the ball?

The kinetic energy of a ball is transferred into potential energy when the ball compresses upon hitting the ground. When the ball bounces back up, the potential energy is converted back into kinetic energy, resulting in the bounce of the ball. The higher the initial kinetic energy, the higher the bounce of the ball.

Why balls bounce or fail to bounce?

Balls bounce when they deform upon impact, storing energy in the form of compression, and then release that energy upon rebounding. If a ball fails to bounce, it could be due to a lack of elasticity in the material, insufficient force applied to the ball, or if the surface it lands on absorbs too much of the energy.

How does the height a boucny ball is dropped from effect the height it bounces to?

The higher the ball is dropped from, the higher it will bounce back. This is due to potential energy converting to kinetic energy upon impact with the ground, propelling the ball higher when dropped from greater heights. Ultimately, the bounce height depends on factors like gravity, air resistance, and the material of the ball.