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Skin senses temperature quite well within a limited range, but it can be either frozen or burned, by termeratures outside of its range.

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Skin can be influenced by factors such as air temperature, humidity, and individual differences in perception, making it less precise for measuring temperature compared to digital sensors. Additionally, skin might not detect subtle changes in temperature as accurately as specialized temperature sensors.

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Q: Why do you think your skin is not a good sensor of temperature?
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Why measuring the temperature of an object by feeling is unreliable?

Measuring temperature by feeling is unreliable because human skin is not a precise sensor for temperature. Factors such as skin sensitivity, ambient temperature, and individual perception can lead to inaccuracies in temperature assessment. Using a thermometer provides a more accurate and consistent measurement of temperature.

Is skin temperature in degrees centigrade interval data?

Yes, skin temperature in degrees centigrade is considered interval data. Interval data is continuous data that has a meaningful zero point, but ratios between values are not meaningful. Skin temperature can be measured on a continuous scale with a specific unit of measurement (degrees centigrade) where a value of zero does not indicate absence of skin temperature.

What determines whether something will feel cold or hot?

The sensation of hot or cold is determined by the temperature difference between the object and our skin. When an object is colder than our skin temperature, it feels cold as it absorbs heat from our skin. When an object is hotter than our skin temperature, it feels hot as it transfers heat to our skin. Temperature perception can also be influenced by factors like humidity and individual sensitivity.

Why are iron chairs colder than wooden chairs in the same temperature?

Iron conducts heat more effectively than wood, causing it to feel colder to the touch as it draws heat away from the body more quickly. This is because iron has a higher thermal conductivity than wood, allowing it to reach the temperature of its surroundings more rapidly.

What effect does sweat leaving your body have on your temperature?

Sweat leaving your body helps to cool you down by evaporation. As sweat evaporates from your skin, it takes heat with it, reducing your body temperature. This helps regulate your body temperature and prevent overheating.

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Is skin the same temperature all over?

Ya I think so.

Which sense organ helps us to sense pain and temperature?

I think it is skin

Does skin sense temperature?

No. Skin does not sense temperature. Nerve endings in skin sense temperature.

Is soil good for skin?

i dont think so

What are the symptoms of a bad coolant temperature sensor on a 91 corsica?

Yes. There are less chemicals in organic skin care products than non-organic and therefore is better for your skin.

Why measuring the temperature of an object by feeling is unreliable?

Measuring temperature by feeling is unreliable because human skin is not a precise sensor for temperature. Factors such as skin sensitivity, ambient temperature, and individual perception can lead to inaccuracies in temperature assessment. Using a thermometer provides a more accurate and consistent measurement of temperature.

What is the freezing temperature of skin?

The temperature at which skin freezes is -78degrees centigrade.

How does a temperature sensor on a car know the temperature without being affected by wind temperature whilst driving?

I am assuming you are referring to the outside temperature sensor. This sensor IS affected by wind, but not in the way you think. You may be able to answer your own question by understanding what "windchill" actually is. When it is cold outside and there is wind, the air moving by your skin actually makes it approach the actual outside temperature faster. The air is not colder, but it feels colder since the wind is cooling you down faster just as a lower temperature would cool your skin faster. So in the same manner, wind does affect a temperature sensor, but only if it is a temperature different than the outside air, like right after you pull out of a garage. Once the sensor reaches the actual outside temperature, no amount of wind blowing on it will make it read any colder. And temperature sensors are usually placed in the wind. I sure hope there is wind that reaches underneath your bumper since your radiator is depending on it. most temperature sensors on vehicles are located underneath near the front bumber bar they are not in the wind in that position engine temp sensor or outside temp sender? engine temp sender is in engine. outside temp is measured behind the bumper bar and not affected by wind answer ENGINE temperature sensor doesn't care about anything but actual temp of engine [in order to send message to computer so computer can then adjust fuel and air mixture for effecient operating of engine]. OUTSIDE temperature sensor doesn't care about anything but actual temperature outside of vehicle, [not effected by heat generated by vehicle] and doesn't measure windchill factor. However, I think you just came up with a great idea for manufacturers selling to us Canadians. We'd probably pay for sensor in open wind so could tell how cold or hot windchill factor is while driving [or stopped, for that matter]. edutainer

How do you skin a deer?

do you think your good you should be ashamed. <------- Yeah, what he/she said.

What is the rose water and vinegar treatment?

it is good for skin i think may be,,

What temperature does your skin freeze at?

Skin freezes at approximately -2°C (28°F). However, the freezing point can vary depending on factors such as humidity, wind chill, and individual differences in skin composition. It is important to protect skin from extreme cold temperatures to prevent frostbite.

What is the Temperature of skin?

The temperature of the skin varies widely depending on core body temperature, the region of the body, and the environmental temperature. The body works hard to maintain a stable core temperature, but that means that there is wide variation in skin temperature.