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When we touch light bulbs, we feel warm because they produce heat as a byproduct of generating light. The filament inside the bulb heats up due to the flow of electricity, converting some of it into thermal energy. This heat is then transferred to the bulb's surface and can be felt when touched.

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Q: Why do we feel warm when we touch the lighted bulbs?
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Fluorescent bulbs produce less heat compared to incandescent bulbs, so they generally do not get as hot during operation. However, they can still become warm to the touch after being on for an extended period of time.

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If you hold your hand above a lighted candle, you may feel the heat rising from the flame. The radiant heat can warm your skin and cause discomfort if held too close for an extended period. However, as long as you keep a safe distance, your hand should not be harmed.

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False. Some objects do have heat, but are not always warm. For example, Jupiter has heat but it is not always warm because it doesn't always have direct sunlight from the Sun.

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You are in a room that has 3 switches and a closed door The switches control 3 light bulbs on the other side of the door Once you open the door you may never touch the switches again?

Turn on one light and leave it on for a little while then turn it off. Turn the next light on and open the door. Go up and feel the light bulbs..the warm one is the first loth switch,, the one that is still on is obviously the second light switch and the cold/regular temperature light bulb is the last switch that you didn't touch.

Why is our lighted door bell button warm at night?

Cause from the heat coming off the light bulb.