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The process of validating theories involves rigorous testing, peer review, and replication of results, which can take time. Additionally, there may be resistance to change existing beliefs or paradigms that a new theory challenges. It often requires a significant amount of evidence and consensus within the scientific community before a new theory is accepted.

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Q: Why do theories take a long time to be accepted?
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Why was mandels work not accepted at the time?

Mandel's work was not accepted at the time because it challenged prevailing economic theories, particularly the neoclassical economic framework. His emphasis on understanding capitalism through a Marxist lens and his predictions about the contradictions and crises inherent in capitalist systems were seen as radical and controversial by mainstream economists of his time.

How did it take for the theory to be developed and accepted?

The process of developing and accepting a scientific theory can vary widely depending on the complexity of the theory and the evidence supporting it. Some theories can be developed in a relatively short time, while others may take years or even decades. Acceptance of a theory by the scientific community depends on the strength of the evidence, the ability of the theory to explain observations, and its ability to make accurate predictions.

How many theories support 'Time is an illusion'?

Several scientific theories, including those in physics and neuroscience, support the idea that time is an illusion. For example, in physics, theories like general relativity suggest that time is relative and can be affected by factors like gravity and velocity. In neuroscience, research on how the brain processes time perception has led to theories that suggest our perception of time may be a construct of the mind rather than an objective reality.

In the novel theories of relativity?

Theories of relativity are the groundbreaking scientific theories proposed by Albert Einstein in the early 20th century. They encompass both special relativity, which describes the relationship between space and time, and general relativity, which extends these concepts to include gravity. These theories have had a profound impact on our understanding of the universe and have been confirmed by numerous experimental tests.

What year did albert Einstein start inventing?

Albert Einstein did not invent things in the traditional sense. He developed his theories of relativity in the early 20th century, with his groundbreaking work published in 1905 (special relativity) and 1915 (general relativity). His ideas revolutionized the field of theoretical physics.

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What theory of albert Einstein was not acceepted for a long time?

brownian motion was accepted early on, but his special and general theories of relativity, and his theory regarding quanta took longer to be accepted by all.

Did it often take a long time for incorrect theories to be replaced with new ones?

yes it does

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As long as the debt is able to be handled then someone can take out a personal loan at any time as long as their credit and debt history is accepted by the bank.

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There have been conspiracy theories as long as there have been conspiracies, since the beginning of time.

What year was it that people still believed in Galens theories?

Galen's theories were widely accepted until the 16th century. Between the 16th century and the 19th century, there was a period of time referred to as the medical revolution, which saw the emergence of modern medicine. During this time, Galen's theories were no longer accepted as the standard for medical practice. However, some of his ideas, such as the four humors, the role of the liver, and the heart as the center of life, were still accepted as valid, and these theories were used to explain medical phenomena. It was not until the 19th century, when advances in science and technology allowed for the development of modern medical practices, that Galen's theories were completely rejected.Galen's theories were still believed and accepted by the medical community up until the 16th century. During this time, his ideas were heavily relied on to explain and understand medical phenomena, and were seen as the standard for medical practice. Among his many theories, the four humors, the role of the liver, and the heart as the center of life were all accepted as valid. Some of Galen's theories were still accepted and practiced even after the 16th century. However, with the rise of modern medicine in the 19th century, his theories were eventually rejected and replaced with more scientific approaches. This marked the end of the medical revolution, and Galen's theories were no longer accepted as the standard for medical practice.

Why does the Big Bang theory is the most accepted of those theories?

Because at the moment it fits with the facts we know. Theories change all the time as new evidence is uncovered or physics we knew nothing about are discovered.

What do theories do over time?

Theories can evolve and change over time as new evidence is discovered or different perspectives are considered. They may be refined, expanded upon, or even replaced by new theories that better explain a phenomenon. Additionally, theories may become widely accepted within a scientific community or society as a whole as they stand the test of time and scrutiny.

Why was the Origin of Species contriversial?

The Origin of Species, as outlined by Charles Darwin, went against many scientific peoples' opinions and theories accepted as fact at the time.

Why were negative numbers not accepted until the nineteenth century?

They were accepted a very long time before then so the question is irrelevant.

How long does it normally take to get a home equity loan after the application has been accepted?

After an application is accepted, a home equity loan can be acquired in any time period from one day to one year. It depends on the site applied to, honestly.

Why do people accept Albert Einstein's theories as fact without conclusive proof or factual evidence of its intergrity of truth?

Albert Einstein's theories are widely accepted because they have been extensively tested through experiments and observations, and have consistently provided accurate predictions about the natural world. The principles and concepts of his theories have been validated by the scientific community and have stood the test of time, earning them a high level of credibility and acceptance.

Why was mandels work not accepted at the time?

Mandel's work was not accepted at the time because it challenged prevailing economic theories, particularly the neoclassical economic framework. His emphasis on understanding capitalism through a Marxist lens and his predictions about the contradictions and crises inherent in capitalist systems were seen as radical and controversial by mainstream economists of his time.