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Iron is denser than air. Waves travel faster through denser medium.

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1mo ago

Sound waves travel faster through iron than air because iron is a denser medium with particles that are closer together. This allows the sound waves to propagate more quickly through the material compared to air, which has less dense particles that are farther apart, creating more resistance and slowing down the speed of sound.

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Q: Why do sound waves travel faster through iron than air?
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In what state of matter do sound waves travel faster?

Sound waves travel faster in solids compared to liquids and gases. This is because the particles in a solid are closer together, allowing the sound waves to travel more efficiently through the denser medium.

What waves travel faster through liquids and solids?

Sound waves, being longitudinal in nature, travels faster in liquids and solids.

Sound waves travels faster through what state of matter?

Sound waves travel faster through solids compared to liquids and gases because the particles in solids are more closely packed, allowing the sound waves to propagate more efficiently.

Do sound waves travel faster threw liquid or solid?

Sound waves generally travel faster through solids than through liquids. This is because the particles in solids are closer together, allowing for more efficient transmission of seismic waves. In liquids, the particles are more spread out, leading to slower sound wave propagation.

In what medium does sound travel fastest - solid -liquid - or gas?

Sound waves travel fastest through solids. *Generally, sound waves travel faster as the density of the transmission medium increases.

Through which medium will sound travel most quickly?

Sound will travel most quickly through a solid medium, such as metal, because the molecules in solids are closest together, allowing for faster transmission of sound waves.

Does waves travel through solids or liquids faster?

Waves generally travel faster through solids compared to liquids because solids have a higher density and a more organized structure, allowing for faster propagation of waves. Additionally, solids have a higher elastic modulus, which allows waves to travel more efficiently through the material.

What is the objective of travel faster radio waves or sound waves?

sound waves

Why does sound travel faster in a solid than in a gas or water?

Sound travels faster in solids because the particles in solids are closer together, allowing for faster transmission of the sound waves through the medium. In gases and liquids, the particles are further apart, causing the sound waves to travel more slowly due to the increased distance between particles that the waves must travel through.

Does sound travel faster through a solid block of metal or through air?

Sound travels faster through a solid block of metal compared to air due to the higher density and stiffness of the metal, allowing sound waves to travel more efficiently.

Why can't s waves travel through fluids?

Sound waves can travel through fluids, it is just that due to the physical proporties of water, sound waves are dampened much faster than they would be in gas.