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High-pitched voices can be due to factors such as vocal cord size, tension, or muscle control. Genetics, hormones, and health conditions can also play a role in determining vocal pitch. Additionally, speaking habits and vocal training can influence the pitch of a person's voice.

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Q: Why do some people have high pitched voices?
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What objects have an high pitched sound?

Objects that can produce a high-pitched sound include glass objects such as wine glasses, metal objects like tuning forks, and small objects like whistles or some musical instruments such as piccolos or flutes. These objects create high-frequency vibrations that result in a high-pitched sound when struck, blown, or manipulated in a specific way.

Is a monkeys sound high pitch or low pitch?

Monkeys' sounds can vary depending on the species and the situation. Some monkeys make high-pitched vocalizations, while others produce lower-pitched sounds. Typically, smaller monkeys such as tamarins and marmosets tend to have higher-pitched calls, while larger monkeys like howler monkeys have lower-pitched vocalizations.

What are some good adjectives for the word noise?

Annoying, loud, quiet, murmuring, low, high-pitched, etc.

Do fast vibrations give low pitched sounds?

Fast vibrations usually result in high-pitched sounds, while slow vibrations produce low-pitched sounds. This is because the frequency of the vibrations determines the pitch of the sound: high-frequency vibrations lead to high-pitched sounds, and low-frequency vibrations lead to low-pitched sounds.

What Ares sounds that are to high pitched for the human ear to hear called?

Sounds that are too high pitched for the human ear to hear are called ultrasonic sounds. These sounds have frequencies above the upper limit of human hearing, which is typically around 20,000 Hz. Some animals, like dogs and bats, are able to hear ultrasonic frequencies.

Related questions

Can girls voices break?

Um, i dont know, but i think so. little girls tend to have high pitched, childish voices. but older girls dont tend to have such childish sounding voices. some older girls still do have high pitched voices, and that is why i dont really know for sure.

Are birds vouices higher then Owls?

Yes, many birds have voices that are higher pitched than the voice of an owl. Some smaller owls have very high pitched voices as well as birds.

Why do gay males talk in high pitched voices?

no it isn't is it because thay train there voices to go like that that's why some gay lads havnt got high voices yay i know something :) love you gay john ..

What is the name of the song with a very high pitched voice?

well Avlin and the Chipminks have high pitched voices some of there songs are: Livin' on a prayer, Funkytown, Witch Doctor, Three little birds, ect.

Why do asians have high pitched voices?

ummm no they dont. some might but uhhh no not all of them do. so dont even ask this question!

What is a male voice?

A high male voice is a voice that a man has that is high pitched. Some men have higher voices than others even after growing up, and going through puberty.

How does Joe Jonas sing so well?

Some People Have Amazing Voices(Joe Jonas) and SOme People Have Not so Great Voices it depends but most people have good voices. joe is one of the lucky people with amazign voices Some People Have Amazing Voices(Joe Jonas) and SOme People Have Not so Great Voices it depends but most people have good voices. joe is one of the lucky people with amazign voices

If you talk in a high pitched voice all the time will your voice stay like that?

no. sometimes boys have different changes at different times, and for some their voices will get deep last

Why do people with autism have high voices?

Not all of them do, I know quite a few autistic people, and some of their voices are quite low, actually. It's probably just the person/people you're refering to's genes.

How did actors maintain a high pitched voice to play female roles in plays?

In Shakespeare's time the women's parts were played by boys whose voices had not yet broken. When their voices broke, they could move on to men's roles. Actors were not surgically encouraged to have high voices as singers in some parts of Europe were. Nor did they use falsetto voices except for comedy parts like the nurse (and possibly the witches in Macbeth)

What is a high male voice?

A high male voice refers to a voice that has a higher pitch or frequency range compared to other male voices. This type of voice is often associated with tenors in the realm of classical music, but can also be heard in various other vocal styles and genres.

Im 21 my voice hasn't cracked yet what should be done?

Frankly at the age of 21 you should accept that you are a person with a high pitched voice. Not everyone speaks with the same pitch, some voices are just higher than others.