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because when you heated the motion of the parrticles became mor energetic

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Particles can escape due to factors such as temperature, pressure, or energy exceeding the binding forces that hold them together in a system. This can lead to particles breaking free from their surroundings and moving away.

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Q: Why do particles escape?
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How the speed of the particles that are able to escape from the surface of the drop?

The speed of particles that escape from the surface of a drop depends on the kinetic energy of the particles which is influenced by factors such as temperature and intermolecular forces. Higher temperatures and weaker intermolecular forces can increase the speed of particles escaping from the drop's surface.

What happens to the particles of evaporation?

During evaporation, the particles of a liquid gain enough energy to escape from the surface of the liquid and become vapor. These vapor particles then mix with the air and disperse into the surrounding environment.

What do particles do in evaporation?

In evaporation, particles of a liquid gain enough energy to escape into the air as vapor. This process occurs at the surface of the liquid where particles with higher kinetic energy break free and become part of the gas phase.

What stream of charged particles that escape through holes in the sun's corona is called?

The stream of charged particles that escape through holes in the sun's corona is called the solar wind. This continuous flow of particles, primarily electrons and protons, travels through the solar system at high speeds, affecting planetary atmospheres and magnetic fields.

What is called in a liquid the particles at the surface change to gas?

The process is called evaporation. It occurs when particles at the surface of a liquid gain enough energy to escape into the surrounding space as vapor or gas.

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What happens if you store coca cola in sunlight?

It will eventually burst (if you leave it long enough), as the particles would move around more in the heat. When this happens, the pressure increases. Once there is more pressure in the inside of the container than the outide of the container, the particles would try to escape. If the lid is open the particles will escape from there otherwise the container would burst to let the particles escape. Hope this helps you It will eventually burst (if you leave it long enough), as the particles would move around more in the heat. When this happens, the pressure increases. Once there is more pressure in the inside of the container than the outide of the container, the particles would try to escape. If the lid is open the particles will escape from there otherwise the container would burst to let the particles escape. Hope this helps you

How the speed of the particles that are able to escape from the surface of the drop?

The speed of particles that escape from the surface of a drop depends on the kinetic energy of the particles which is influenced by factors such as temperature and intermolecular forces. Higher temperatures and weaker intermolecular forces can increase the speed of particles escaping from the drop's surface.

What causes the particles in a liquid to escape into a gas state?


What state of matter does a liquids particles have enough energy to escape the attractive forces of the other particles in the liquid?


What state of matter has a liquid particles have enough energy to escape the attractive forces of other particles in the liquid?


What layer of the atmosphere do particles of air escape into space?

The layer of the atmosphere that releases particles of air into space is the exosphere.

Does a liquid become a gas when its particles have absorbed enough energy to escape the surface?

Yes, a liquid becomes a gas when its particles have absorbed enough energy to overcome the intermolecular forces holding them together. This allows the particles to escape the surface and become a gas.

Gas particles in the Earth's atmosphere most easily escape from?

Gas particles in the Earth's atmosphere most easily escape from the exosphere, the outermost layer of the atmosphere. The exosphere is where the gases are much less dense, and particles can gain enough kinetic energy to overcome Earth's gravitational pull and escape into space. This process is known as atmospheric escape.

There is no atmosphere on the moon. Explain on the basis of escape velocity?

The moon's escape velocity is lower than the average velocity of gas particles in its atmosphere, so the moon cannot retain an atmosphere as the gas particles would escape into space. This is why the moon has no significant atmosphere.

What does a liquid become when its particles have absorbed enough energy to escape the surface?

A gas

What are the high energy particles that escape the sun's gravity collectively called?

The solar wind.

Is Evaporation Is When Particles Escape From A Liquid?

Yes, that's basically what happens at the atomic or molecular level.