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1mo ago

Joints are held together by ligaments, which are strong bands of connective tissue. These ligaments help stabilize the joint and prevent it from separating. Additionally, the joint surfaces are designed in a way that allows them to fit together snugly, further preventing separation.

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Q: Why do joints cannot separate from each other?
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What absorbs shock and reduces friction in joints?

Cartilage absorbs shock and reduces friction in joints by providing a smooth surface for bones to glide against each other and by acting as a cushion to absorb impact forces.

How are joints necessary?

Joints are necessary for providing movement and flexibility to the body. They allow bones to move smoothly against each other and are crucial for activities like walking, running, and lifting. Additionally, joints help distribute mechanical forces throughout the body to prevent injuries.

If a postivively charged rod is brought near the knob of a positively charged electroscope the leaves of the electroscope will?

The leaves of the electroscope will repel each other and diverge further apart. This is because like charges (positive) repel each other, causing the leaves to move away from each other due to the force exerted by the positively charged rod.

Is it possible to have just an electric field wave or just a magnetic field wave?

No, electromagnetic waves consist of both electric and magnetic fields oscillating perpendicular to each other and to the direction of wave propagation. These fields are interdependent and cannot exist independently as separate waves.

Can one or more tornadoes combine into each other?

While it may appear that multiple tornadoes are merging into each other, it is more likely that they are separate tornadoes occurring in close proximity. Tornadoes can interact with each other, but they do not typically combine or merge into a single, larger tornado.

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How many joints does a honey bee have on its fore middle and hind legs?

Each of the bee's legs has five separate parts, the coxa, trochanter, femur, tibia and tarsus. Joints separate each of these parts, so each leg has five joints including the one connecting the leg to the thorax.

What is somethings about bones and joints?

bone articulate with each other at joints.

Where are the bones connected to each other?

The joints.

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No. They are two separate countries that neighbor each other.

Are gliding joints the same as hinge joints?

No, gliding joints and hinge joints are not the same. Gliding joints allow bones to slide past one another, while hinge joints only allow movement along one plane, like a door hinge bending back and forth. Examples of hinge joints are the elbow and knee joints.

Is jersey cow hybrid with pig?

Not even close, no. Pigs and cows are two separate species, they cannot interbreed with each other to produce offspring.

Can a guinea pig get pregnant if a male guinea pig is in a separate cage next to her?

no, if the guineapigs cannot escape from their cage and physically touch each other then they will not mate

Is merge the same as separate?

Nope - merge and separate are opposites of each other.

When particles are a liquid can they separate past each other?

Molecules in a liquid can move past each other, if that's what you were trying to ask; I'm not sure what "separate past each other" is supposed to mean.

Where the skeletal attached?

The places where the different bones of the skeleton attach to each other are called joints or articulations. There are primarily 3 types of joints: fibrous, cartilignous and synovial joints.

How are joints and ligaments related to each other?

Joints are points of connection between bones. Ligaments are points of connection between tissue and bone.

Does Hinata marry Naruto?

Yes, he eventually does at the end of the series.