because they melt?? jkjkjkjk ice turn into water when the molecular forces(hydrogen bonding) between the H2O molecules fail to hold each other in place as a crystal.
Ice turns into liquid water when it absorbs enough heat energy from its surroundings to overcome the forces holding its molecules together in a rigid lattice structure. This causes the molecules to vibrate more vigorously, breaking the rigid structure and allowing them to move more freely as liquid water. This process is known as melting.
When ice changes to water, it is called melting. This process occurs when the temperature of the ice rises above its melting point, causing the solid ice to turn into liquid water.
0 degrees Celsius is the freezing point of water. At this temperature, water will turn into ice, making it solid instead of liquid.
Ice melting into water is an example of a solid turning into a liquid.
No, ice water is more dense than liquid water. This is because the molecules in ice water are arranged in a more structured way, leading to a higher density compared to the more random arrangement of molecules in liquid water.
How heated is this ice getting? Is it above 0 Celsius, because if it isn't then I'm afraid you still have ice. Also, if it is heated past 0, by 0.01 of a degree and it is under pressure then it can turn into a gas, skipping the liquid stage. Forget it. Liquid ice is called WATER, that's W - A - T - E - R. If you disagree with this answer please go steam iron your face.
ice , wax , butter ps water (a liquid) can turn into ice(a solid)
Solid ice starts to turn to liquid water a 0 degrees Celsius.
Decrease the temperature and make it turn into ice.
Ice melts into liquid water at 0 degrees C, 32 degrees F.
Ice turn in water only if the temperature is over 0 0C.
it will turn to ice
Water is water, whether solid (ice), liquid or gas.
The addition of thermal energy, or heat, if you prefer, will turn solid water (ice) into a liquid by melting it.
That's actually backwards. Freezing liquid water changes it to ice. Boiling it will turn it into water vapor
To melt is when you turn something from a solid to a liquid. E.g: If you put an ice-cube into a microwave it will turn into water because and ice-cube is just water that has been frozen.
When liquid (water) turns into solid (ice), we usually call it freezing.