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Building foundations have a large horizontal area of contact with the ground to provide stability and distribute the weight of the structure over a larger area. This helps prevent settlement or sinking of the building by minimizing the pressure exerted on the soil below. A larger contact area also helps to disperse any uneven loads or external forces, ensuring the structural integrity of the building.

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Q: Why do building foundations have a large horizontal area of contact with the ground?
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Why does building foundations have a large horizontal area of contact with the ground?

Building foundations have a large horizontal area of contact with the ground to distribute the weight of the structure evenly and prevent it from sinking or tilting. This helps to provide stability and support for the entire building. The larger the contact area, the more effectively the weight of the building can be spread out, reducing the risk of structural failure.

When a body is projected simultaneously from the top of the building with different initial horizontal velocity which of the two will hit the ground first?

Both bodies will hit the ground at the same time, assuming they are released at the same height and in a vacuum. The horizontal velocity does not affect the time taken to fall, only the distance they travel horizontally. This is because the acceleration due to gravity only acts vertically, so both bodies will fall at the same rate.

A 5 kg object is thrown from the top of a building 275m aboce some level ground It is released at a speed of 45 m per s initially along the horizontal direction?

The object will follow a parabolic path due to gravity and its horizontal speed of 45 m/s will remain constant. The time it takes to reach the ground can be calculated using kinematic equations. Its final velocity will be the vector sum of its horizontal and vertical components.

A shell is fired from the ground with an initial velocity of 1600m s at an angle of 64 to the horizontal What is the shells horizontal range?

Using the projectile motion equations and given the initial velocity and angle, we can calculate the time the shell is in the air. Then, we can find the horizontal range by multiplying the time of flight by the horizontal component of the initial velocity. The horizontal range in this case is about 1056 meters.

What is the motion parallel to the ground?

Motion parallel to the ground refers to movement that occurs in a horizontal direction. This type of motion does not involve any vertical displacement and typically occurs on a flat surface. Examples include a car driving on a road or a ball rolling on the ground.

Related questions

Why does building foundations have a large horizontal area of contact with the ground?

Building foundations have a large horizontal area of contact with the ground to distribute the weight of the structure evenly and prevent it from sinking or tilting. This helps to provide stability and support for the entire building. The larger the contact area, the more effectively the weight of the building can be spread out, reducing the risk of structural failure.

Why building foundation have large horizontal area of contact with the ground?

this is because when the area of contact between the ground and the building increases the pressure exerted by the building will be less for the same force.

What is the best type of ground to put a building on?

Firm ground not suffering from shrinkage or expansion. Rock is the firmest. Sandy ground will require piled foundations. Clay will require investigation into shrinkage with the seasons. Avoid building near tall trees - especially poplars that have large root networks that can affect the foundations over time.

What is the importance of a foundation when a tower or tall building such as a skyscrapper is being constructed?

a foundation is a huge hole in the ground where a building goes into and if it didnt have any foundations it would either collapse or sink into the ground

Do all building foundations have trenches?

Yes. The trench is for what's called a footing.This footing is a mass of concrete that supports the building and keeps it from sinking into the ground.

Do all buildings have foundations?

Yes. The trench is for what's called a footing.This footing is a mass of concrete that supports the building and keeps it from sinking into the ground.

Why are buildings built on stilts in Longyearbyen?

So air can pass freely between buildings and the ground. Permafrost exists underground, so if heat from the buildings radiated into the ground and melted it, the ground would sink and the building foundations would be compromised.

What is the Deep foundations?

Deep foundations are structural components used to transfer loads from a building or structure into the earth when shallow foundations are not feasible due to weak soil conditions or when the required depths are beyond what shallow foundations can provide. Examples include piles, drilled shafts, and caissons. These elements are typically embedded deep into the ground to provide stability and support for the structure above.

What is horizontal markings?

Horizontal markings are markings (such as painted or etched lines) that are horizontal (or parallel to the ground).

How are buildings flattened by earthquakes?

How do you think? the Eartquake shakes the ground and foundations break you noob of common sense How do you think? the Eartquake shakes the ground and foundations break you noob of common sense

What kind of building rests on a foundation?

Foundation is the underground or the substructure part of a building that transmits the load of the super structure to the ground safely. it is the lower part of building on which the whole structure rests. it may be made up of stone masonary, PCC or RCC. depending the width to depth ratio it may be a shallow foundation or a deep foundation. shallow foundations are used for smaller structures and shallow foundations are used for multistoried buildings where the load carried by soil is more.

What is air moving parallel to the ground called?

Air moving parallel to the ground is called horizontal wind or surface wind.