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Most likely because they're the same weight. Objects can have completely different masses and have the same weight.

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Two objects of different masses dropped from the same height will hit the ground at the same time because gravity pulls on both objects with the same acceleration, regardless of their mass. This acceleration is a constant value and it causes both objects to fall at the same rate, resulting in them hitting the ground simultaneously.

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Q: Why do 2 objects of different masses dropped from the same height hit the ground at the same time?
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Do two objects of the same mass dropped at different height have a different speed?

Yes, two objects of the same mass dropped at different heights will have different speeds when they hit the ground due to the influence of gravity. The object dropped from a higher height will have a higher speed upon impact because it had more time to accelerate while falling.

Why do balls of different masses dropped simultaneously from the same height?

Objects of different masses will reach the ground at the same time when dropped from the same height because they are subject to gravity, which accelerates all objects at the same rate regardless of their mass. This is known as the equivalence principle and was famously demonstrated by Galileo.

What will hit the ground first a pencil or penny?

There are many factors that can affect the time for these objects to drop. The height at which each object is dropped is a factor since the height is proportional to time. if the height at which these objects are dropped are the same, then the time for them to drop to the floor is the same. Since the acceleration due to gravity at sea level is 9.81 m/s^2 for all objects no matter the mass, both objects will accelerate at the same rate which means they will reach the floor at the same rate. All in all, both the pencil and the penny will hit the ground at the same time.

Will different weight balls hit the ground at the same time?

In the absence of air resistance, different weight balls will hit the ground at the same time when dropped from the same height. This is because all objects fall at the same rate due to gravity, regardless of their mass.

Why does 3 spherical object with different mass will hit the ground at the same time when dropped simultaneously from the same height?

All three objects will hit the ground at the same time because in the absence of air resistance, all objects experience the same acceleration due to gravity, regardless of their mass. This acceleration causes all three objects to fall at the same rate, leading them to hit the ground simultaneously.

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Do two objects of the same mass dropped at different height have a different speed?

Yes, two objects of the same mass dropped at different heights will have different speeds when they hit the ground due to the influence of gravity. The object dropped from a higher height will have a higher speed upon impact because it had more time to accelerate while falling.

Why do balls of different masses dropped simultaneously from the same height?

Objects of different masses will reach the ground at the same time when dropped from the same height because they are subject to gravity, which accelerates all objects at the same rate regardless of their mass. This is known as the equivalence principle and was famously demonstrated by Galileo.

What three very different sizes and weights are dropped off a tower on the moon Which factor of the objects will determine which hits the ground first?

The objects will hit the ground at the same time since gravity acts the same on all objects regardless of their size and weight on the moon. The factor that determines which hits the ground first is the height from which they are dropped.

What will hit the ground first a pencil or penny?

There are many factors that can affect the time for these objects to drop. The height at which each object is dropped is a factor since the height is proportional to time. if the height at which these objects are dropped are the same, then the time for them to drop to the floor is the same. Since the acceleration due to gravity at sea level is 9.81 m/s^2 for all objects no matter the mass, both objects will accelerate at the same rate which means they will reach the floor at the same rate. All in all, both the pencil and the penny will hit the ground at the same time.

Will different weight balls hit the ground at the same time?

In the absence of air resistance, different weight balls will hit the ground at the same time when dropped from the same height. This is because all objects fall at the same rate due to gravity, regardless of their mass.

If two object of different density are dropped simultaneously which one will hit the ground first?

as done in Galileo's experiment when he dropped a large rock and a feather from a tall tower both hit the ground at the same moment when dropped from the same height.

Why does 3 spherical object with different mass will hit the ground at the same time when dropped simultaneously from the same height?

All three objects will hit the ground at the same time because in the absence of air resistance, all objects experience the same acceleration due to gravity, regardless of their mass. This acceleration causes all three objects to fall at the same rate, leading them to hit the ground simultaneously.

A marble a textbook and a flaming stick are simultaneously dropped from a height of 10 feet if air resistance upon the falling objects is small enough that it can be neglected which will hit first?

All objects dropped from the same height will hit the ground at the same time, regardless of their mass or shape, as long as air resistance is negligible. Thus, the marble, textbook, and flaming stick will hit the ground simultaneously.

Why aluminum ball and steel ball of similar size and shape dropped from the same height reach the ground at the same time?

The key factor in determining the time it takes for objects to fall is the acceleration due to gravity, which is the same for all objects regardless of their mass or material composition. Therefore, both the aluminum and steel balls experience the same acceleration and reach the ground at the same time when dropped from the same height.

Is it true an object that will hit the ground before an object that is thrown horizontally?

No, objects fall at the same rate regardless of their horizontal velocity. Both objects would hit the ground at the same time if dropped from the same height.

Why dropped objects hit the ground at the same time?

Dropped objects fall at the same rate due to gravity accelerating them all at 9.8 m/s^2 regardless of their mass. This is described by the principle of equivalence and is a fundamental aspect of physics known as the equivalence principle.

What experiment of Galileo's involved cannonballs?

Galileo's experiment involving cannonballs was to demonstrate that objects of different masses fall at the same rate in the absence of air resistance. He dropped objects of different masses from the Leaning Tower of Pisa to show they hit the ground simultaneously, contradicting the prevailing belief that heavier objects fall faster.