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Albert Einstein's hair turned white due to a combination of genetics and stress. It is believed that the stress from his work and personal life contributed to the premature graying of his hair.

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Q: Why did Albert Einstein's hair turn white?
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Does honey turn hair white?

No. Honey does not turn your hair white.

What ingredients in hair gel makes your hair white?

There are no ingredients in hair gel that can cause a person's hair to turn white. The loss of melanin or genetic defects are things that can cause it to turn grey or white.

How does pressure turn hair white?

It does not.

Can white hair turn dark again naturally?

No, once hair turns white, it cannot naturally turn dark again.

How can I turn white hair into black?

It is not possible to permanently turn white hair into black hair. Hair color is determined by genetics and cannot be changed naturally. However, hair dye or other coloring products can be used to temporarily change the color of white hair to black.

What food should you eat to turn white hairs black?

No foodstuff will turn white hair black.

Does tuberculosis turn your hair white?

no but some types can mean hair loss

How can you turn your white hair to black hair naturally?

you cant just use hair dye

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Does lemon cause white hair?

No, lemon juice is a mild bleaching agent, and can 'lighten' hair. But it can't turn black hair white, for example.

If you bleach hair multiple times will it turn white?

Yes. Strong bleaching multiple times will cause the hair to turn white... that is the hair that is left. Bleaching over again will likely make the hair break off and fall out. So the two or three remaining strands will be white. yes!

Why your hair turns white when you drink vitamin c?

Drinking items with vitamin C does not turn your hair white. If this was true anyone who drinks orange juice would have white hair. This is not logical.