In conduction, water molecules pass energy through direct contact with neighboring molecules, transferring it without moving the water itself. In convection, energy transfer occurs through the movement of water molecules, as warmer water rises and cooler water sinks, creating a circulation pattern that distributes the energy throughout the water body.
You can't see a laser beam in pure water because the water is transparent, which allows the light to pass through without scattering. This means that the laser beam doesn't interact with the water molecules in a way that makes it visible to the human eye.
When you're in the water, the one thing that can't get wet is a hole. This is because a hole is an empty space and there is nothing to get wet.
Water cannot pass through a solid rock because the rock's structure is tight and does not have spaces for the water to flow through. The pores in the rock are too small for water molecules to move through.
You can't float in the air because of the force of gravity pulling you down towards the Earth. In order to float, you would need an upward force (like buoyancy in water or lift in an airplane) to counteract the pull of gravity. Without such a force, you will always fall towards the Earth.
take a bucket and a piar of golves and a bag u need the bucket to put in front of the snake and also need tongs to a least try to scoop him in the bucket then once he s in the bucket then left the bucket up ues the bag to put over the top of the bucket u use the glove for saftey and if u cant find out there usally are at greek but sallow water and under rocks and in holes
you cant live without water or air
you cant
because they cant its there habitat their swimming is like our walking on earth they cant survive whithout water and we cant survive without gravity literally
In the ocean?, they cant survive without water.
Yes you can but dont ask ,me
no you cant or wait yeah you can
up your candy land
a human can live without water for about 3-4 days, any thing after 5 is risky, but you cant live without water for 1 week or more
you cant
No, you cant. That would never work.
no, not really some examples of measuring cups are things like 1/3,1/5,1/2 and things like that. you cant us a bucket as a measuring cup unless u measure how much water of whatever you are putting into it.