

Why cant you hear each other in space?

Updated: 5/28/2024
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12y ago

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Sound is a wave in a fluid (gas or liquid). There is no atmosphere in space, so there is no sound.

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1mo ago

Sound waves require a medium, such as air or water, to travel through. In space, there is a near-vacuum with very few particles to carry sound waves. Therefore, without a medium to propagate through, sound cannot travel in space.

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If I shake a cup with rice does the rice make the noise or the cup?

It depends upon where this is being done! If you attempt this in a vacuum, such as in outer space, you will hear NO sound. If you were to do this in an atmospher5e, such as here on earth, and if your hearing is excellent, you will hear the noise that the grains of rice make when hitting each other,. as well as when the grains of rice hit the cup. It also will depend upon the dryness of the rice. If the rice is fully saturated with a liquid, you may not hear any sound!

What do you hear when 2 sounds waves cancel each other out?

When two sound waves cancel each other out, they create a phenomenon known as destructive interference. This causes the waves to subtract from each other, resulting in a quieter sound or total silence at specific points.

How high of a frequency can a giraffe hear?

Giraffes can hear frequencies up to 35 kHz, which is higher than what humans can hear. They use their acute sense of hearing to communicate with each other and to detect potential threats in their environment.

Why could they hear each's other voices when their helemets were touching?

When their helmets were touching, vibrations from their voices could travel through the helmets and into each other's ears, allowing them to hear each other. This is similar to how a stethoscope works by transmitting sound waves through a solid medium.

Why is there no sound in the vacuum of space?

Sound requires a medium, such as air or water, to travel through. In the vacuum of space, there is no medium for sound waves to propagate, so sound cannot be heard. Astronauts inside their spacecrafts can hear each other because the spacecrafts are pressurized and have air to transmit sound waves.

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i dont know who she is , but u cant hear any thing in space >.>

Why astronauts cannot hear each other in space?

Space is vacuum, and sound can't travel in vacuum.

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They can not hear each other through the natural environment due to there being no medium for the sound waves to travel through. However, they can hear each other through the use of radio communication.

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elephants need to hear better because they communicate* in a lower frequency which means we cant hear them communicate* but they need better ears so they can hear each other *they communicate in low frequency drone's like bird tweeting except they are a lot lower and we cant hear them

Why cant we hear each other on the moon?

The Moon has no atmosphere, only vacuum. There is nothing for the sound waves to travel in.

Can sounds travel through empty space?

no, an empty space is like a vacum it absorbs all of the vibrations so u cant hear a thing

How people cant hear you in space?

Sound in a hearing context (rather than a wave in a metal structure etc) is a pressure vibration in air. Space has no air.

Can you hear can you hear through space suits?

Indeed! You can't hear what's going on around you, but you can hear other astronauts through their radio.

Why can you hear through the Kinect speakers but they cant hear you?

Tell the other person to check their volume for you. Their volume might be off for you

Why cant you hear any sound on moon?

There is nothing to hear in space and on the moon you are too far away to hear anything from earth the scientific reason is that sound moves and bounces to our ears with gravity but because there is no gravity in space it is impossible for sounds to reach us, they simply float away

Why cant you hear one one another in space in space?

Sound needs something to travel through. That's usually air on Earth. Space is a vacuum - therefore, sound cannot travel through it.

Is sound energy due to vibrating of objects?

its the vibrating of mollecules. That's why in space, you cant hear anything because there are no mollecules to vibrate.