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A mirror has a smooth and reflective surface that bounces light in a way that creates a clear reflection. A dry painted wall has a rough, non-reflective surface that scatters light, making it difficult to see a clear reflection.

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Q: Why can you see your own reflection image in a mirror but not on a dry painted wall?
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A painted white wall has a matte finish, which scatters light in all directions instead of reflecting it like a mirror would. This lack of a smooth, reflective surface prevents you from clearly seeing your reflection on it.

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When you view an image behind a mirror from a certain angle, the mirror reflects the light that hits it, including the light that carries the image, back to your eyes, creating the illusion that the image is behind the mirror. This is possible due to the reflection of light off the mirror's surface.

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The mirror reflects light that hits its surface back to where it came from, which is why the flashlight's light reflects to the wall behind you. Your reflection doesn't reflect onto the wall because it is a virtual image produced by the mirror and doesn't emit its own light.

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you can see a image on a mirror because energy bounce off

Why can you see your image in a mirror but not in a brick wall?

you can see a image on a mirror because energy bounce off

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Both a white wall and a mirror reflect light through the process of specular reflection, where the light rays bounce off the surface in a predictable manner. The reflection off a white wall appears diffused due to its rough surface scattering the light in multiple directions, while a mirror's smooth surface reflects light in a more uniform manner, resulting in a clear and focused reflection.

Why does a mirror reflect your image but a wall doesn't?

The wall does not have the minerals or types of matter in it to have reflective qualities. -Lauren, Age 13.

How do you complete level 46 on 100 Floors?

The pattern in the ground is a reflection of what should be on the lift door. You have to change each block so the picture on the wall matches the mirror image of the picture on the ground. See related link for screenshots.

Can a plane mirror form a real image?

No it can not. It would have to be concave or convex(not sure which). A real image would be if you looked at the mirror and on the wall next to you were projected.

What is the use of an antique mirror?

Mirror is a piece of equipment hanging on your wall in which you see your own reflection, now if you are found of having looking at your image srounded amid its the antique frame to impress you more as to how you look within the antique frame of your picture so out of these false passion you have an antique framed glass/ mirror.

What does deffuse reflection mean?

Diffuse reflection occurs when light is reflected in many directions due to a rough or irregular surface, such as a piece of paper or a wall. This type of reflection results in a matte appearance with no clear reflection of an image.