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Diffraction allows sound waves to go around barriers
You can still hear people talking even though they go around the corner because the level of their voices are still in range of your range. This is because of refraction and reflection.

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Sound waves can diffract around corners, allowing them to reach your ears even if the direct path is obstructed. This phenomenon is possible due to the wavelength of sound being larger than the obstacle.

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Q: Why can you hear two people talking even after they walk around a corner?
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What is the bending of sound waves around a corner and the reason people can hear others talking around a corner?

The bending of sound waves around a corner is called diffraction. Sound waves can diffract around corners because they spread out in all directions when they encounter an obstacle, allowing them to "bend" around objects and reach the ears of listeners. This phenomenon explains why people can hear others talking around a corner even when they are not in the direct line of sight.

Why can you hear a mans voice around the corner of a building even if you cant see him?

Sound waves can bend around obstacles such as corners and travel through the air. This allows the sound of a man's voice to reach your ears even if he is not in your line of sight. Sound waves reflect and diffract, enabling you to hear the sound even when the source is not visible.

How is it possible for you to hear someone who is talking around the corner from you?

Sound waves can travel around corners due to a phenomenon called diffraction, where the waves bend around obstacles. This allows the sound to reach your ears even if the source is not in your direct line of sight. Sound waves are able to reflect off surfaces and diffract around obstacles, enabling you to hear someone talking even if they are not visible to you.

Why can you hear a sound around a corner of a building?

Sound waves can diffract around obstacles, such as corners of buildings, allowing the sound to bend and reach your ears. This phenomenon is known as sound diffraction, where sound waves spread out and bend around obstacles, enabling you to hear sound even when it is not in your direct line of sight.

Explain why you can hear someone talking even when you can't see them?

Sound travels through the air in the form of waves, which can reach your ears even if the source of the sound is not within your line of sight. This allows you to hear someone talking even if they are not visible to you.

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What is the bending of sound waves around a corner and the reason people can hear others talking around a corner?

The bending of sound waves around a corner is called diffraction. Sound waves can diffract around corners because they spread out in all directions when they encounter an obstacle, allowing them to "bend" around objects and reach the ears of listeners. This phenomenon explains why people can hear others talking around a corner even when they are not in the direct line of sight.

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It's most likely to do with the type of walls which are in the house. If the walls are weak/thin, then you will be able to hear what is happening on the other side.

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i have a turtle and were not the same.... what are you even talking about?

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The bent wave paths can be explained if the core is composed of material that is different from the overlying mantle. The P waves bend around the core in a similar way to sound waves being bent around the corner of a building. For example, you can hear people talking from around the side of a building even if you cannot see them.In this way, rather than actually stopping the P waves in the shadow zone, the outer core bends them. --Justin N. K.

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