Pretty sure that it's a insulator.
A log of wood sinks in water because wood is more dense than water. The density of an object determines whether it sinks or floats in a liquid. Since the density of wood is greater than that of water, the log sinks.
The moving rock with a board and log is an example of a simple machine called a lever. In this case, it likely represents a first-class lever, where the rock acts as the fulcrum, the board is the lever arm, and the log provides the effort to lift or move the load.
Wood has a higher ignition temperature than paper, so it requires more heat to start burning. The density and moisture content of wood also make it harder to light with a matchstick compared to the lighter and more flammable paper. Additionally, wood contains more structural components such as lignin that can impede the combustion process.
A log is rotated against a big blade and a veneer of wood rolls off the log like inwinding a roll of paper towells
Wood such as paper will burn at 451 degrees Fahrenheit. How it necessarily burns is subject to how much moisture is actually in the wood.
log, as in a piece of wood = madero or leño log, as in record = anotacion
they made lots of toilet paper for a living!
The water extracted by the wood log while floating is of equal weight of the wood or more. For this reason, the log of wood floats while a steel needle sinks.
How do you control termites on a wood log cabin? Is there something you can lay on the foundation?
wood, logs, woodlogs, log-wood
why do woolouse live under a log