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Conductors conduct electricity because they have free electrons.

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βˆ™ 11y ago
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βˆ™ 3mo ago

Conductors, like metals, have many free electrons that are able to move easily through the material. When an electric field is applied, these free electrons can flow, allowing the conductor to conduct electricity.

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Q: Why can conductors conduct electricity?
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Materials which lets electricity go through them are called?

Conductor are materials that conduct electricity. There are also semiconductors, which conduct electricity but not as well, and superconductors, which conduct electricity without resistance when very cold.

Why conductors conduct heat and electricity while insulators are known as poor conductors?

Conductors have free electrons that are able to move easily and transfer heat and electricity. In contrast, insulators have tightly bound electrons that do not move easily, so they are unable to conduct heat and electricity effectively. This is why conductors are efficient at transferring heat and electricity whereas insulators are poor conductors.

Are the halogens good conductors of electricity?

No, halogens are poor conductors of electricity. They are nonmetals and have high electronegativity, meaning they do not easily lose electrons to conduct electricity.

Why do conductors conduct electricity while insulaters don't?

Conductors allow electricity to flow through them easily because they have free electrons that can move freely. Insulators, on the other hand, have tightly held electrons which do not move easily, so they do not allow electricity to pass through them.

Which of the material will conduct the flow of electricity?

Materials that conduct electricity are called conductors. Common conductors include metals like copper, silver, and aluminum. These materials allow the flow of electricity due to the presence of free electrons that can move easily within the material.

Related questions

Why conductors conduct electricity?

Conductors conduct electricity because they have free electrons.

Why aren't insulators good conductors of electricity?

because insulators don't conduct any electricity but conductors do conduct electricity

Is conductors of heat and conductors of electricity the same thing?

Sometimes. Metals will conduct both heat and electricity. Glass will conduct heat but not electricity.

Materials which lets electricity go through them are called?

Conductor are materials that conduct electricity. There are also semiconductors, which conduct electricity but not as well, and superconductors, which conduct electricity without resistance when very cold.

Conductors Semiconductors and Insulators?

conductors:copperironaluminiuminsulators:woodplasticglassHOPE YOU LIKE IT =) HAVE A GOOD DAY!

Why conductors conduct heat and electricity while insulators are known as poor conductors?

Conductors have free electrons that are able to move easily and transfer heat and electricity. In contrast, insulators have tightly bound electrons that do not move easily, so they are unable to conduct heat and electricity effectively. This is why conductors are efficient at transferring heat and electricity whereas insulators are poor conductors.

What are the uses of conductors of electricity?

to conduct the current

Is it all conductors of heat that conduct electricity?


Are there any other household conductors?

o There are some organic compounds that can conduct electricity (organic conductors) salts, solubilized in water or any other solvent that can solubilize them conduct electricity. Molten salts conduct electricity ionized atoms or molecules can conduct electricity

Why do carbons not conduct electricity?

Graphite and diamond are good electricity conductors.

What can conduct heat and electricity but are not the best conductors?


What are the group of elements called that can conduct electricity?
