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So far it has proved too difficult to get it started, so control has not been a problem

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4mo ago

Controlling nuclear fusion for energy production requires extremely high temperatures and pressures to overcome the natural repulsion between positively charged atomic nuclei. Additionally, containing and stabilizing the reaction within a fusion reactor remains a significant technical challenge that scientists and engineers are actively working to address through research and development.

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What is another name for heat of fusion?

Another name for heat of fusion is enthalpy of fusion.

Why is it difficult to develop a fusion reactor for power generation?

Developing a fusion reactor for power generation is challenging due to the need to confine and control the extremely high temperatures and pressures required for nuclear fusion to occur. Additionally, managing the plasma within the reactor, handling the intense neutron radiation, and finding suitable materials that can withstand the harsh conditions present further obstacles. Research is ongoing to overcome these challenges and make fusion power a viable energy source.

Why sint fusion currently used as a source of energy?

Fusion is not currently used as a source of energy on a large scale because it is difficult to achieve and sustain the conditions required for fusion to occur, such as high temperatures and pressures. Additionally, the technology for harnessing fusion energy is still in the research and development phase, and significant challenges remain in terms of cost and efficiency.

Is fusion reaction limitless?

Fusion reactions have the potential to provide abundant energy because they rely on the fusion of light atomic nuclei, such as those of hydrogen isotopes, which are widely available in seawater. This effectively makes fusion energy sustainable and practically limitless compared to fossil fuels. However, harnessing fusion energy for power generation on Earth is still a technological challenge that requires significant advancements.

What is the difference between fission rector and fusion rector?

A fission reactor generates energy by splitting heavy atomic nuclei like uranium or plutonium, releasing a large amount of heat. In contrast, a fusion reactor generates energy by fusing light atomic nuclei, such as hydrogen isotopes, releasing even more energy per reaction but is more challenging to control due to the extreme conditions required for fusion to occur.