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Because while the opacity of the object will allow photons through, they do not maintain their original trajectory.

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3mo ago

Translucent objects allow some light to pass through them, but they also scatter the light in different directions. This scattering causes the image of objects seen through the translucent object to become distorted and less clear. The multiple paths the light takes through the translucent object results in a blurry or fuzzy appearance when looking at objects behind it.

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Q: Why can't objects be seen clearly through a translucent object?
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Will an translucent object let light pass through?

Yes, a translucent object allows light to pass through, but diffuses it, so that objects on the other side cannot be seen clearly.

Is a book an translucent object?

No, a book is not a translucent object. Translucent objects allow some light to pass through them but scatter it in a way that objects on the other side are not clearly visible. Books typically do not allow light to pass through them, making them opaque.

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Yes, it is translucent as light passes partially through it.

Why can and rsquot you see clearly through translucent objects?

Translucent objects allow some light to pass through, but they also scatter light in different directions, which can create a blurry or hazy appearance. This scattering process disrupts the light waves, making it difficult for the eyes to focus and see clearly through the object.

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Glass, plastic, and cellophane are three examples of transparent objects that allow light to pass through them easily.

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Transparent materials allow light to pass through them without scattering, while translucent materials allow some light to pass through but cause it to scatter. In other words, transparent materials are clear and enable objects to be seen clearly through them, whereas translucent materials are blurry or hazy, making objects behind them hard to distinguish.

What is the difference between translucent and transparent?

Translucent means light passes through the medium, but the light is diffused so that object beyond cannot be seen clearly. Transparent means that light passes through the medium and is not diffused and objects beyound can be seen clearly.

Is a sprite bottle translucent?

Yes, a Sprite bottle is translucent, which means that light can pass through it but objects inside cannot be clearly seen. Translucent materials allow some light to pass through but scatter the light, making the object on the other side appear blurry.

What is it called when an object through which light can pass but which light scatters?

It is called translucent. Translucent materials allow some light to pass through, but the light scatters in different directions, making objects on the other side blurred or not clearly visible.

What is the difference between transparent and opaque?

Transparent materials allow light to pass through them easily, and objects behind them can be seen clearly. Opaque materials do not allow light to pass through them, so objects behind them cannot be seen. Translucent materials allow some light to pass through, but objects behind them are not clearly visible.

How is a translucent object different from a transparent object?

A translucent object allows some light to pass through it, but scatters the light, making objects appear blurry or diffused when viewed through it. A transparent object allows light to pass through with little to no scattering, resulting in clear visibility of objects behind it.

Can light travel through translucent objects?

My teacher told me that light can travel through translucent object.