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Theories are not considered the absolute truth, but rather plausible explanations based on evidence and observations. They are subject to revision or rejection with new evidence or better explanations. The strength of a theory lies in its ability to predict and explain natural phenomena consistently.

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Q: Why are theories considered to be the truth?
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Why physics considered as a experimental science?

Physics is considered an experimental science because it relies on observation and empirical evidence to test theories and hypotheses. Through experiments, physicists can validate or reject models and laws that describe the fundamental principles governing the behavior of the universe. This empirical approach allows for the advancement of knowledge and understanding of the physical world.

Why is physics considered as art?

Physics may be considered as art because it involves creativity in developing theories and models to explain the natural world. Physicists often use aesthetic principles to guide them in formulating elegant and concise solutions to complex problems. The quest for beauty and simplicity in physics mirrors the creative processes seen in artistic endeavors.

What are facts objects or signs that make you believe that something exist or is true?

Evidence such as physical proof, data, eyewitness accounts, expert testimony, and reproducible experimentation can indicate the existence or truth of something. Ancillary factors like consistency with established theories, logical reasoning, and widespread consensus among experts can also bolster beliefs in the existence or truth of something.

Is phonology science or pseudoscience?

Phonology is a branch of linguistics that studies the sound systems of languages and how they are organized. It is considered a scientific field because it uses empirical evidence, observation, and experimentation to develop and test theories about sound patterns in language. Phonology is not considered pseudoscience.

What do scientists call theories that explain all the evidence?

Scientists call theories that explain all the evidence and are widely accepted by the scientific community "well-established theories" or "well-supported theories." These theories are based on a large body of evidence and have withstood rigorous testing and scrutiny.

Related questions

Why aren't theories considered absolute truth?

Theories aren't considered absolute truths because science is always changing; as new evidence is uncovered, a theory may be revised or replaced by a more useful explanation.

How is the truth found in science?

In science, truth is established through evidence-based experimentation, observation, and peer review. Scientific theories are continually tested and refined to ensure they accurately explain natural phenomena. Consensus among scientists further strengthens the reliability of scientific truths.

Why did Galileo get punished?

His theories where considered blasphemy.

What are the sociological theories linked to divorce?

Divorce is considered a major social injustice in the US. There were three major theories behind it, factionalism, interactionism and conflict theories

Science is good but it is the truth?

In my opinion, science is the truth although there are no definite answer to theories in science. Though, to have a theory out of science, one must have sufficient evidence to support the theory.

The theories developed by Copernicus were considered to be?

The answer is extreme for all of those A+ users.

Where is The Truth Seeker blog based?

The Truth Seeker blog is based in England. The site deals with conspiracy theories about JFK, government cover ups on UFOs and ancient mysteries like Atlantis.

What is the real truth about 9-11?

The real truth is as was reported. Evidence of terrorism was found, and the names of the perpetrators are known. Don't pay any attention to the conspiracy theories, which range from uninformed to obscene.

What is the trouth?

The truth is the actual account of whatever transpired. If you always tell the truth, you are considered an honest person.

How did Freud determine if his theories were true?

Freud determined the truth of his theories through case studies of his patients, self-analysis, and interpretation of dreams. He also relied on clinical observations and the analysis of unconscious processes to support his theories. Overall, Freud's approach was based on empirical evidence and clinical practice.

The notion that language is arbitrary and that no truly objective truth or meaning can be created outside of a culture's confines originated with the theories of who?

Ferdinand de Saussure

Is a dagger considered a sword?

Yes, a dagger is considered a swordMany of other people believe not but the truth is revealed