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In summer, power lines may appear more droopy than in winter due to the expansion of the metal conductors from the heat. High temperatures cause the metal to expand, leading to sagging of the power lines. In winter, lower temperatures cause the metal to contract, resulting in less drooping of the power lines.

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Q: Why are powerlines more droopy in summer than winter?
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Why do clock go slower in summer and faster in winter?

Clocks do not actually go slower in summer and faster in winter. However, the perception of time passing differently in these seasons may be due to factors such as increased daylight hours in summer leading to more activities, and shorter days in winter which may make time feel like it is passing more quickly.

Predict whether sound will travel faster in the air in the summer or the winter?

Summer because the air particles are more spread out and can move faster in more heat

Why is a power line more likely to break in winter than in Summer even if it is loaded with the same weight?

In winter, power lines can become more brittle due to colder temperatures, making them more susceptible to breaking under the same weight load. Additionally, winter conditions like ice and snow accumulation can add extra weight to the power line, increasing the risk of breakage.

Does sound travel faster in air in the summer or in the winter?

Sound travels faster in warmer air because the speed of sound is directly proportional to the square root of the air temperature. In general, air is warmer in the summer than in the winter, which results in faster sound propagation during summer months.

Would sound travel faster on a cold winter morning or a hot summer afternoon why?

Sound typically travels faster in warmer temperatures because the molecules in the medium are more energized and can vibrate more quickly. Therefore, sound waves can propagate faster in hot summer afternoons compared to cold winter mornings.

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I would say in Summer because think about it does it hurt more if you get punched in the face in summer or in winter?.. it hurts more in winter but if you think you can take the pain then either one.

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The summer Olympics are more popular than the Winter ones only because more countries participate, especially the ones that do not have winter like the ones in Africa

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Are tornadoes more accurate in the summer or winter?

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