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Insulators are not magnetic because their atomic structure does not have unpaired electrons that can align in a common direction to create a magnetic field. In contrast, materials that are magnetic, like iron or nickel, have unpaired electrons that can align and create a magnetic field. Insulators do not exhibit this property.

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Q: Why are insulators not magnetic?
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Are insulators non magnetic?

Yes, insulators are materials that do not conduct electricity well, but they can still be magnetic. The ability of a material to conduct electricity (insulation or conductivity) is separate from its magnetic properties.

What properties do magnetic insulators have in common?

Magnetic insulators have a few common properties: They are insulating materials, meaning they do not conduct electricity. They exhibit magnetic ordering at low temperatures, where the magnetic moments of atoms align in a particular direction. They have a large bandgap between the valence and conduction bands, which prevents the flow of electrical current.

Are ferro magnetic materials insulators?

Not necessarily. Ferromagnetic materials can be conductors, semiconductors, or insulators depending on their specific composition and structure. Magnetic properties and electrical conductivity are independent characteristics of a material.

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A magnetic domain is made up of a group of atoms with aligned magnetic moments. These aligned magnetic moments create a magnetic field within the domain, which contributes to the overall magnetic properties of the material.

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Shigeo Honda has written: 'TMR research in insulating granular magnetic materials' -- subject(s): Granular materials, Magnetic films, Magnetoresistance, Materials, Electric properties, Electric insulators and insulation

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Gems have -----------applications in abrasives lasers and electronics?

Gems have various applications in abrasives due to their hardness, in lasers for their ability to amplify light, and in electronics for their use as semiconductors or insulators.

What do you call poor conductors?

Poor conductors of electricity are often referred to as insulators. Insulators have high resistance to the flow of electricity due to their molecular structure, which makes them unable to conduct electricity efficiently. Examples of insulators include rubber, plastic, and glass.

Are humans conductors or insulators?

humans are not insulators, but are conductors!

Why is it as important to have insulators as it is to have conductors?

In the context of electricity, if everything was a conductor, we wouldn't be able to generate electricity as the movement of electrons induced by the magnetic field in the generator would just be dissapated into the rest of the deivce!

What will not carry electricity?

insulators. All the insulators. Like fabrics