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In fusion reactions, nuclei need to overcome the strong electromagnetic repulsion to merge and release energy, requiring high temperatures to achieve the necessary kinetic energy. In fission reactions, nuclei need to be bombarded by neutrons to induce a split, a process that can occur at lower temperatures.

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Q: Why are high temperatures needed for fusion reactions to occur but not fission reactions to occur?
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Detonation of a fusion type hydrogen bomb is started by?

Detonation of a fusion hydrogen bomb is initiated by the primary fission bomb, which generates high temperatures and pressures needed to trigger fusion reactions in the hydrogen isotopes. The fission bomb compresses and heats the fusion fuel to the point where nuclear fusion reactions can occur, releasing vastly more energy than the fission reaction alone.

Why are the high temptress produced by the explosion of a fission bomb necessary fusion in a thermonuclear device?

The high temperatures produced by the explosion of a fission bomb are necessary for initiating the fusion reaction in a thermonuclear device because fusion reactions require extremely high temperatures and pressures to overcome the repulsive forces between positively charged nuclei. The fission explosion provides the energy needed to achieve these conditions, thereby allowing the fusion reaction to take place.

What is used as a trigger in a hydrogen bomb?

A traditional nuclear fission bomb is used as a trigger in a hydrogen bomb. The explosion from the fission bomb generates the high temperatures and pressures needed to initiate the fusion reaction in the hydrogen bomb.

How is fusion used in a hydrogen bomb?

In a hydrogen bomb, fusion is used to release a large amount of energy through the fusion of hydrogen isotopes to create helium. This process, known as thermonuclear fusion, generates a massive explosion by harnessing the immense energy released during the fusion reaction. The process is initiated by a fission reaction that creates the high temperatures and pressures needed for fusion to occur.

What is fusion and fission bomb?

A fusion bomb (hydrogen bomb) releases energy through the fusion of atomic nuclei to achieve a much higher explosive yield than fission bombs (atomic bombs), which split atomic nuclei. Fusion bombs are more powerful but require a fission bomb as a trigger to create the extreme temperatures and pressures needed for fusion.

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Detonation of a fusion type hydrogen bomb is started by?

Detonation of a fusion hydrogen bomb is initiated by the primary fission bomb, which generates high temperatures and pressures needed to trigger fusion reactions in the hydrogen isotopes. The fission bomb compresses and heats the fusion fuel to the point where nuclear fusion reactions can occur, releasing vastly more energy than the fission reaction alone.

Why are the high temptress produced by the explosion of a fission bomb necessary fusion in a thermonuclear device?

The high temperatures produced by the explosion of a fission bomb are necessary for initiating the fusion reaction in a thermonuclear device because fusion reactions require extremely high temperatures and pressures to overcome the repulsive forces between positively charged nuclei. The fission explosion provides the energy needed to achieve these conditions, thereby allowing the fusion reaction to take place.

What is used as a trigger in a hydrogen bomb?

A traditional nuclear fission bomb is used as a trigger in a hydrogen bomb. The explosion from the fission bomb generates the high temperatures and pressures needed to initiate the fusion reaction in the hydrogen bomb.

How is fusion used in a hydrogen bomb?

In a hydrogen bomb, fusion is used to release a large amount of energy through the fusion of hydrogen isotopes to create helium. This process, known as thermonuclear fusion, generates a massive explosion by harnessing the immense energy released during the fusion reaction. The process is initiated by a fission reaction that creates the high temperatures and pressures needed for fusion to occur.

Do fusion reactions provide nuclear power?

No, a fission reaction is not necessary to trigger a fusion reaction, but for us on earth, it is. In the field of nuclear weapons, a fission bomb is needed to create the heat necessary to set off a fusion weapon. We have to use fission, or, rather, the energy created by that, to initiate the fusion reaction. It might be possible to use a high power source, like a laser, on a small amount of material to get fusion to occur. But we are still experimenting with this in the Tokamak, and it's far from being a done deal. Stars are, in general, massive nuclear fusion reactors. Their constant consumption of fuel powering their high rate of fusion creates a massive amount of energy, and the stars' huge gravity keeps this process from blowing the whole thing apart. No fission is needed to sustain this reaction.

How can you destroy xenon?

Xenon is a chemically inert noble gas and is not easily destroyed. High temperatures and pressures or reactions with highly reactive elements such as fluorine or oxygen are needed to react with xenon. However, these methods may not completely "destroy" xenon but rather form other compounds containing xenon.

What is fusion and fission bomb?

A fusion bomb (hydrogen bomb) releases energy through the fusion of atomic nuclei to achieve a much higher explosive yield than fission bombs (atomic bombs), which split atomic nuclei. Fusion bombs are more powerful but require a fission bomb as a trigger to create the extreme temperatures and pressures needed for fusion.

Do fusion bombs leave a trail of nuclear radiation like a fission bomb after they explode?

Fusion bombs do produce nuclear radiation, but most of the energy released comes from the fusion reactions themselves, which are much cleaner compared to fission reactions. The radiation effects from a fusion bomb are generally less long-lasting and widespread than those from a fission bomb.

How do gravity temperature and pressure impact and affect nuclear fusion?

Gravity plays a crucial role in nuclear fusion by compressing and heating the stellar core to the high temperatures and pressures needed for fusion to occur. Higher temperatures and pressures increase the likelihood of atomic nuclei overcoming their mutual repulsion and fusing together. These conditions are found in the cores of stars, where gravity provides the necessary confinement and energy to sustain nuclear fusion reactions.

How did the atomic bomb become outdated?

The fission bomb never became outdated, one is needed in every single fusion bomb as the primary to set off the fusion reaction.

What is the minimum amount of material needed to sustain a nuclear reaction?

The minimum amount of material needed to sustain a nuclear reaction depends on the type of reaction. For example, in a nuclear fission reaction, a critical mass of fissile material is needed to sustain a chain reaction. In a fusion reaction, high temperatures and pressures are needed to overcome the electrostatic repulsion between nuclei.

What are the main reasons why nuclear fusion have not been used in nuclear reactors?

The main reasons why nuclear fusion has not been widely used in nuclear reactors are the significant technical challenges in achieving and sustaining the high temperatures and pressures needed for fusion reactions, the high cost of research and development for fusion technology, and the lack of a commercially viable fusion power plant design that can produce more energy than it consumes. Additionally, there are safety concerns related to handling and containing the high-energy reactions in a fusion reactor.