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Electrons are needed in an atom because they balance the positive charge of the protons in the nucleus, maintaining the overall electrical neutrality of the atom. Electrons also determine the chemical behavior and reactivity of an atom by participating in chemical bonds with other atoms.

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Q: Why are electrons needed in an atom?
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It depends on the atom. List what element the atom is from.

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How many electrons are needed to stabilize the oxygen atom?

Oxygen's atomic number is 8. That means an atom of oxygen always has 8 protons. To stabilize it then, it must also have 8 electrons.

What is the number of valence electrons needed to make an atom stable?

8 - s2 and p6

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In a covalently bonded molecule, the number of electrons that an atom shares with others is typically equal to the number of electrons needed to achieve a stable octet (or duet for hydrogen). This sharing allows each atom to satisfy the octet rule, resulting in a more stable molecular structure.

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There is a total of 8 electrons that are needed to fill outer shell of most atoms. An atom is the smallest unit of matter.

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An atom of nitrogen has 7 electrons.

The energy required to remove electrons from an atom is called?

The energy required to remove electrons from an atom is called ionization energy. It is the minimum energy needed to remove an electron from a neutral atom in the gaseous phase.

Which electrons are the valence electrons of an atom?

The electrons farthest away from the nucleus are the valence electrons of an atom.

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An atom of helium has 2 electrons.

How many electrons does an arsenic atom have?

There are 33 electrons in an Arsenic atom.