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When a balloon is placed in the freezer, the air inside it contracts and decreases in volume due to the cold temperatures. The rubber of the balloon becomes less flexible in the cold, making it so the balloon can't stretch to accommodate the reduced air volume inside. This increase in pressure causes the balloon to burst.

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Q: Why an inflated balloon is burst when kept in the freezer?
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Why does an inflated balloon kept under the sun burst after some time?

The heat from the sun causes the air molecules inside the balloon to expand, increasing the pressure within the balloon. If the pressure becomes too high, the balloon will burst to release the excess pressure.

Why balloon kept in sun burst after some time?

Balloons can burst when exposed to direct sunlight because the air inside the balloon expands as it is warmed up. If the balloon is overfilled or under a lot of pressure, the expansion of the air due to heat can cause the balloon to burst.

6) If a balloon filled with air and sealed is kept in a deep freezer for a period of time it will shrink in size. Determine the the best reasoning for this outcome. A) The air particles inside the bal?

A) The air particles inside the balloon lose kinetic energy when exposed to low temperatures in the deep freezer. This causes the particles to move slower and come closer together, resulting in a decrease in volume and shrinkage of the balloon.

Why doesn't balloon blast when kept on many nails?

When a balloon is placed on many nails, the force exerted by the nails is distributed across a larger surface area, reducing the pressure at any single point. This decrease in pressure prevents the balloon from popping. Additionally, the elasticity of the balloon's rubber material allows it to stretch and conform around the nails rather than bursting.

Why is balloon deflated when the tube is kept in cold water?

When a balloon is placed in cold water, the air inside the balloon loses thermal energy to the colder surrounding water. As the air molecules lose energy, they slow down and move closer together, resulting in a decrease in pressure inside the balloon. This decrease in pressure causes the balloon to deflate.

Related questions

Why does an inflated balloon kept under the sun burst after some time?

The heat from the sun causes the air molecules inside the balloon to expand, increasing the pressure within the balloon. If the pressure becomes too high, the balloon will burst to release the excess pressure.

What will happen if a pumpkin kept on a balloon?

if we keep a pumpkin inside a balloon the balloon will not fly and will burst

Why balloon kept on a hot floor burst?

Heat makes particles spread out and the particles spread out in the ballon therfore making the ballon burst.

Why does balloon burst when it is kept in sun?

Heat causes substances to expand. When left in the sun the air inside the beach ball will expand. If the air expands enough it will burst the beach ball.

Can you freeze your strongbow?

This cider as sold in the UK is 10.6 proof and will probably burst in a freezer. (This is an un-official answer since I've never kept it around long enough for it to freeze,)

Why balloon kept in sun burst after some time?

Balloons can burst when exposed to direct sunlight because the air inside the balloon expands as it is warmed up. If the balloon is overfilled or under a lot of pressure, the expansion of the air due to heat can cause the balloon to burst.

6) If a balloon filled with air and sealed is kept in a deep freezer for a period of time it will shrink in size. Determine the the best reasoning for this outcome. A) The air particles inside the bal?

A) The air particles inside the balloon lose kinetic energy when exposed to low temperatures in the deep freezer. This causes the particles to move slower and come closer together, resulting in a decrease in volume and shrinkage of the balloon.

Where is Walt Disney kept?

in a freezer.

How long can chocolate covered raisins be kept in the freezer?

About 1-2 months in the freezer

What is Jews ice cream kept?

in the freezer!

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Does a little balloon fly as far as a big balloon?

Regardless of size, both balloons will burst when atmospheric pressure becomes too much for them. Assuming the helium to rubber/latex ratio is kept the same, both balloons will burst at the same pressure. Depending on where you are in the world and the weather, the atmospheric pressure at one height differs, so it couldn't be said that both balloons will float upwards to the same height, but it can be said that they will fly to the same pressure. Thus the question "Does a little balloon fly as far as a big balloon?" is invalid, but hopefully this answer will suit your wonders.