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The reflection in water is inverted because light rays coming from an object above the water surface strike the water at an angle and are reflected according to the law of reflection. This reflection causes the image to appear upside down relative to the object.

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Q: Why Is the reflection in water inverted?
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Yes, a concave mirror can show a laterally inverted image. This means that the left side of the object appears on the right side of the image and vice versa. This is due to the reflection properties of concave mirrors.

How does reflection and water waves Interact?

Reflection of water waves occurs when the waves encounter a barrier and bounce back in the opposite direction. The angle at which the waves reflect depends on the angle at which they hit the barrier. The reflection of water waves is similar to the reflection of light waves, following the law of reflection.

If water is spread over marble floor then which reflection is it?

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What are the examples of Reflections of Water waves and what is it all about?

The examples of reflection of water waves include reflection, refraction and diffraction.