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All objects have a specific heat capacity, the amount of energy it takes to increase the temperature of one gram of the object by one degree centigrade. Therefore, if an object has a specific heat capacity of say, 500 joules, and you wanted to heat 3 grams of that object by 1 degree, you would need 1500 joules of energy. But if you put that 1500 joules of energy into only 1 gram of the object, you would heat it by 3 degrees.

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The amount of thermal energy an object has is determined by its mass and temperature. If two objects are at the same temperature but have different masses, the object with the larger mass will have more energy because it contains more particles, each contributing to the total energy of the system.

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Q: Why 2 objects at the same temperature will have different amounts of energy if one has a larger mass?
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Can two objects have the same temperature but different amounts of mass?

Yes, two objects can have the same temperature but different amounts of mass. Temperature is a measure of the average kinetic energy of particles in an object, while mass is the amount of matter in an object. So, it is possible for objects with different masses to have the same kinetic energy and therefore the same temperature.

Can two objects have the same temparature but different heat?

Yes, two objects can have the same temperature but different heat because heat depends not only on temperature but also on the mass and specific heat capacity of the objects. Objects with different masses or specific heat capacities can have different amounts of heat energy even if they are at the same temperature.

Does two objects at different temperature have same thermal energy explain?

No, two objects at different temperatures do not have the same thermal energy. Thermal energy is proportional to the object's mass, specific heat capacity, and temperature. So, objects at different temperatures will have different thermal energies.

If two objects of the same mass require different amounts of heat to raise their temperatures 10 Kelvin the object have different what?

Specific heat capacities. This is a measure of how much heat energy is required to raise the temperature of a substance by a certain amount. Objects with different specific heat capacities will require different amounts of heat to achieve the same temperature change.

Two objects have the same total thermal energy They are different sizes Are they at the same temperature?

Not necessarily. Temperature is a measure of the average kinetic energy of particles in a substance. Two objects with the same total thermal energy can have different temperatures depending on their sizes and how that thermal energy is distributed among the particles within them.

Related questions

Can two objects have the same temperature but different amounts of mass?

Yes, two objects can have the same temperature but different amounts of mass. Temperature is a measure of the average kinetic energy of particles in an object, while mass is the amount of matter in an object. So, it is possible for objects with different masses to have the same kinetic energy and therefore the same temperature.

Two objects may have the same temperature but they will not have the same amounts of thermal energy unless they also have the same amount of?

mass. The thermal energy of an object is directly proportional to its mass, so objects with different masses will have different amounts of thermal energy even if their temperatures are the same.

Can two objects have the same temparature but different heat?

Yes, two objects can have the same temperature but different heat because heat depends not only on temperature but also on the mass and specific heat capacity of the objects. Objects with different masses or specific heat capacities can have different amounts of heat energy even if they are at the same temperature.

Does two objects at different temperature have same thermal energy explain?

No, two objects at different temperatures do not have the same thermal energy. Thermal energy is proportional to the object's mass, specific heat capacity, and temperature. So, objects at different temperatures will have different thermal energies.

If two objects of the same mass require different amounts of heat to raise their temperatures 10 Kelvin the object have different what?

Specific heat capacities. This is a measure of how much heat energy is required to raise the temperature of a substance by a certain amount. Objects with different specific heat capacities will require different amounts of heat to achieve the same temperature change.

Why does adding the same amount of heat to two different Objects does not necessarily produce the same increase in Temperature?

Two objects can have different heat capacities, which means they require different amounts of heat to raise their temperature. This is due to differences in mass, composition, and specific heat capacity. Therefore, adding the same amount of heat to two objects may result in different temperature increases based on these factors.

Two objects have the same total thermal energy They are different sizes Are they at the same temperature?

Not necessarily. Temperature is a measure of the average kinetic energy of particles in a substance. Two objects with the same total thermal energy can have different temperatures depending on their sizes and how that thermal energy is distributed among the particles within them.

Can two objects have the same energy but different temperature?

Yes, two objects can have the same energy but different temperatures. Temperature measures the average kinetic energy of the particles in an object, while energy is a measure of the total internal energy of the system, including both kinetic and potential energy. So, it is possible for two objects to have the same total energy but different distributions of that energy among the particles, leading to different temperatures.

What happens when two different temperature objects come in contact?

thermal energy(heat) transfer to cooler objects...............................................................................................................

What is thermal energy transferred between objects which have different temperature?

Heat is the thermal energy transferred between objects that have different temperatures. This transfer occurs due to a temperature gradient, moving from the object with higher temperature to the one with lower temperature until thermal equilibrium is reached.

What is the energy that flows between objects that have different temperatures?

The energy that flows between objects with different temperatures is called heat. Heat transfer occurs from a region of higher temperature to a region of lower temperature in order to reach thermal equilibrium.

Two objects may have the dame temperature but they will not have the same amounts of thermal energy unless they also have they same amount of what?

Specific heat capacity