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The object with greater mass will travel farther when released down the ramp due to its inertia, which affects its tendency to continue moving once it has started. Objects with greater mass have more inertia, requiring more force to change their state of motion, so they will tend to travel further before coming to a stop.

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Q: Who will travel father when released down the ramp?
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How does the weight of a car affect the distance a car travels down a ramp?

The weight of a car affects the force of gravity acting on it, which in turn affects the car's acceleration down the ramp. Heavier cars experience a greater force due to gravity and often travel a shorter distance down the ramp compared to lighter cars, assuming factors like friction and incline are constant.

Is velocity changing if a cart is going down a ramp?

Yes, the velocity of the cart is changing as it moves down the ramp because its speed and/or direction is changing due to the influence of gravity and any friction between the cart and the ramp surface.

What force starts a marble accelerating down a ramp?

The force of gravity is responsible for starting a marble's acceleration down a ramp. As the marble is released from a higher elevation, gravity pulls it downward, causing it to accelerate as it moves along the slope of the ramp.

Does the weight of a toy car impact its speed going down a ramp?

Yes, the weight of a toy car can impact its speed going down a ramp. Heavier cars may have more momentum and force, which can make them travel faster down the ramp compared to lighter cars with less momentum. However, factors like friction and the angle of the ramp can also affect the speed of the car.

How could you measure the speed of a toy car going down a ramp?

You could measure the time it takes the toy car to travel a known distance down the ramp. Then, you can calculate the speed by dividing the distance traveled by the time taken. Alternatively, you could use a speed-measuring device such as a radar gun to measure the toy car's speed as it moves down the ramp.

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When you are driveing a truck on a ramp without a loadyou should?

travel with the forks pointing down the ramp

How far will a toy car travel after rolling down a ramp?

it all depends on the height of either the ramp or how far up the ramp the toy car rolls from

Does the height of a ramp effect the speed of a car?

If you are talking about a car rolling down a ramp then yes. The taller the ramp the more momentum the car will create there for the car will travel farther and faster.

How does the weight of a car affect the distance a car travels down a ramp?

The weight of a car affects the force of gravity acting on it, which in turn affects the car's acceleration down the ramp. Heavier cars experience a greater force due to gravity and often travel a shorter distance down the ramp compared to lighter cars, assuming factors like friction and incline are constant.

Is velocity changing if a cart is going down a ramp?

Yes, the velocity of the cart is changing as it moves down the ramp because its speed and/or direction is changing due to the influence of gravity and any friction between the cart and the ramp surface.

What force starts a marble accelerating down a ramp?

The force of gravity is responsible for starting a marble's acceleration down a ramp. As the marble is released from a higher elevation, gravity pulls it downward, causing it to accelerate as it moves along the slope of the ramp.

Does the weight of a toy car impact its speed going down a ramp?

Yes, the weight of a toy car can impact its speed going down a ramp. Heavier cars may have more momentum and force, which can make them travel faster down the ramp compared to lighter cars with less momentum. However, factors like friction and the angle of the ramp can also affect the speed of the car.

How does the increasing the height of a ramp affect how far a ball rolls down ramp?

how does increasing the height of a ramp affect how far a ball rolls down the ramp

How fast can a toy car go down a tile ramp?

In optimal conditions such as infinite runway, performed in a vacuum, with a constant gravitational pull and a zero friction ramp the car could travel at the speed of light. For anything else it would depend on the ramp and the car. Also at what point you stop calling a ramp a ramp and start calling it a drop.

How could you measure the speed of a toy car going down a ramp?

You could measure the time it takes the toy car to travel a known distance down the ramp. Then, you can calculate the speed by dividing the distance traveled by the time taken. Alternatively, you could use a speed-measuring device such as a radar gun to measure the toy car's speed as it moves down the ramp.

Does changing the height of a ramp affect the speed of the car going down the ramp?

Changing the slope of the ramp will affect the speed of the vehicle going down it.

What happens to the speed a marble travels when the height of a ramp is change?

When the height of the ramp is increased, the marble will have a higher gravitational potential energy. As a result, it will travel at a faster speed when it rolls down the ramp due to the increased height converting into kinetic energy. Conversely, decreasing the height of the ramp will result in the marble traveling at a slower speed.